

I am going to get back to using this. So I will start with todays workout. Last year I wanted to join Master's swim, but didn't do it until after Christmas. This year I really want to work on my swimming over the fall and winter. I think I need to swim 3-4x per week. I want to do a half ironman as early as May, so I need to get the base training going now. Last night was a perfect swim

600 warm-up doing various things such as kicking and drills


1-8x100 with 5 sec rest between. A little faster than you would normally swim an 800 because of the rest
2-4x200 IM. I am not able to fly yet so this was a little tough and took a long time.
3- 2x400 pull. I like this one. Love to pull

200 cool down

Total 3200 yeah!!! Want to get those meters in.

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