
Off season catch up

Cyclocross single speed worlds

What a fun trip!! I was sick for almost a week going into the trip so hadn't ridden the bike, run, or swam for at least five days. I hadn't even ridden my cross bike with the gear it was to be single speed in before I had to pack it up and mail it. I was still sick for the trip, but on the up and up so took a lot of drugs and made it through. We stayed in the Haight Ashbury district. Within walking/riding distance to the entire weekends events. Even went to a party at the bike shop where we shipped our bikes and met Gary Fisher.

Sat.- An amazing tour of the city. 3-4 hour ride visiting all the sites including 5 extra hard efforts.

Sun.- Race!!! My 100% racing is what I would normally ride at 70%. Just didn't have the get up and go. Had fun though. Got some dollars. Drank some beer. Finished 20. The race was awesome. The course was muddy and the people were great. Not to mention the costumes.

Mon-Wed.- Didn't get anything done. With travel and work I wasn't very productive.

Thursday- Got in a nice hour long run before Thanksgiving feast.

Friday- Went on a hike with everybody in the Jewel Basin. Pretty uneventful and probably only a little over an hour. Ran down. Quads sore.

Sat. - Went to The Wave and got in some swimming. Swam a little over 2000. Felt really good. Flip turns are getting better. Went down the waterslide. Soaked in the hottub. Fun afternoon at the pool!!
Went out in Whitefish. Dancing at the Great Northern. Didn''t get home until early.

Sunday- Tired from the late evening. Drove back from Kalispell. Found sweet place to eat on Flathead Lake right outside of Big Fork.

Monday- Hmmm. Swim and run?


Off week

Hiked with the dogs up Drinking Horse Mountain. Feeling pretty wasted from the weekend.

It was cold tonight. Walked the dogs for about 30 minutes. Went home and mopped the floor and cleaned house in preparation for dins on Wed.

Rode down to the park for a game of capture the flag. Had the whole Wednesday night crew over for Bulgogi. Good post season celebration.

Went to the hot springs with Erik. Walked the dogs a little.

Huge work day. Walked the dogs after work. Went to lecture and out to Plonk for drinks with work people.

Ran/hiked to second hump on the way to Baldy with John C. It was snowing and cold, but a nice workout. Legs were not happy about a downhill run, still sore a few days later. Got some lateral movement in too. Butt is pretty sore.

Swam- Did a good warm up, some drills, and a good cool down. Swam ~2000. Felt good. Arms too sore to shovel snow after though.

Little run on the trails around town.