
Still fall in Montana.

Had a hectic week trying to do stuff with my sister, family, and friends. Erik and crew went to Butte for cyclocross racing. I just couldn't muster the energy. In my head I have to have things planned out and organized. I like knowing what I am doing and when. This week was rough because Jenny is so fly be the seat of her pants that I can't keep up.

Another thing I like (and don't like based on the above paragraph) about the off season is that I feel okay when I am a total shit show. It is okay to go to the cross race and not ride the course because I didn't get there early enough, or forget my swim suit and have to find time later in the day to swim. If fully exhausts me, but so does being very organized.

Gfit- I sent you the workout and I am going to try and run for 15-20 minutes before from now on.
Skills practice- Went to the cyclocross skills practice. I definitely need to work on my skills. On Saturday as I was doing an awesome run I was thinking about my biking skills. It seems like skills come with practice and with triathlon my practice is less that everybody else i.e. Lisa. Erik was giving me crap about mt bike riding when I bought her bike because she rides so much even her seat was worn out on the edges. I just don't have enough time right now to ride that much. Maybe in a few years.

Shit show Julie. Showed up a couple of minutes before the race. The course was backwards from the last two weeks. Didn't get to pre ride. I was also on my cross bike. Bumpy. I think I was faster on the mt bike. A few of the laps my skills really sucked, but I was trying to focus, and I think I was getting better on the corners. Going wide, taking the apex, going wide. Practice helped.

Had dinner right after the race with the parents and sister and fiance.

G-fit- Oh, this is the workout I told you about. Can you write us a gfit workout for this week? Amy and Megan are gone.

Really wanted to do a mt bike ride with Jeny. Ended up hiking. I hate hiking. I like to run a trail and if it gets to steep then hike, but just hiking. Yuck. We trucked it straight up the M then over towards Sypes. Jenny is a firefighter and can walk really fast. I was having to run just to keep up with her on the downhill.
With Gfit and that hike I was pretty pooped that night. Went to happy hour with her friends and drank too much. IN bed early though.

Swim- forgot suit so had to go back. Therepeutic swim. Last set of 400's were pretty hard.

am wedding shower for Jenny.
pm Went on a long run/hike. This time I started in Middle Cottonwood and went to where the trail drops down to Truman. Could make a seriously good loop out of this, going back down and then running on dirt over to the car. Wish I had thought of it before I left, but wasn't really sure how long it would take. Didn't really want to get lost by myself. Maybe I will do that or Cottonwood to the M next weekend. Just keep connecting more and more trails. It was so pretty out. Lots of leaves falling at the bottom, but still blooming lupine at the top. I guess the trail is 5 miles out and back with lots of climbing. Total time was 2:15. Had to hike a bunch after probably ~3miles.

Master swim- kind of a fun workout. A lung buster.
10x50 on 1:10 breast stoke underwater for 3 off the wall. I couldn't do this. Would just pop up.
10x50 on 1:00 50 free with fins/50 breast with hands, dolphin kick. Could not quite get on 1:00. This was a lung buster.
3x 300 swim at 5:15. Couldn't get this either- came in on 5:36 and then 150 breast with 3 kick one pull. This was so slow. I had to swim 3 and then do this just to not have them wait for me too much. This was a lung buster too.

Run- Afternoon run on the trails around town. Legs were really sore from Saturday so went slow, but steady. Pretty flat. No major hills. Ran ~1hr.
Made some more pickles.

Going to head over to the track for your mile lung buster and Masters swim this evening. I hear it is a 4000. We'll see if I can get it in.


Fall in Montana. What a Wonderful Life

Tuesday- Masters swim. Really tired for some reason. I think the smoke is affecting my breathing. Having a hard time cardio wise at swimming. This usually isn't the case. Got out early. Had MuleCross planning meeting. Did I mention I am the race director?

Wed.- Little run at lunch. The lab seems really hectic and crazy right now. Need to get out to clear my head. Ran ~30 minutes.
          Cross race- Did the Wednesday night series again. Fun little race. Hard.

Went home after to eat a good dinner and get some sleep.

Thursday- Gfit at lunch
                 Swim after work with Masters. Good swim but boring. 2x300 descent, 4x25, 2x200 descend, 4x25, 2x100 descend, 4x25. Then work your way back up the ladder. Uggh. Stayed for the whole workout though. I think got in 3700. Annoying day. I hate it when really fast people swim in our lane. I was racing just to not get lapped and then they start their interval without waiting. Sandbaggers.

Friday- Swim after work. Did your workout. Like your workouts.

Saturday- Big run in the mountains. It is so beautiful right now, except for the smoke. Ran the M over to Sypes and back. Big uphill that requires some motivated hiking. Took ~2 hours. Maybe more like 1:45.

Sunday- Adventure ride. .Went over to the other side of the Bridgers. The theme of the day was "another good ol game trail" I think that is mostly what we rode (tried to ride) all day. This was a lot of carry the bike day. We saw a bear!!!! A deer and some very fresh elk poop. It was fun and tiring. Trip took about 4 hours.

Monday- My legs are killing me from the up and downhill on the run on Saturday. Am going to go on a little run today and then hit Master's this afternoon.
Run ended up being over an hour. It was so nice out and felt so good I just kept going.

So, it looks like I may have missed one ride and substituted it for a swim. I think I want to swim on Monday and and Thursday so I can ride on Tuesday and Wed but the change over got my all mixed up.


A few weeks post IM and on board for another one

Here is a list of races I would like to do:
Maybe some nordic ski races. Get my butt kicked by little kids. Nothing with a lot of pressure though.
National Championship Winter Triathlon- Looks like it is going to be at Homestake again this year. Not Sure on date. January?
Grizzly- For sure!!
BigHorn Canyon Triathlon- Same one we did in Lovell WY this year.
Wildflower- Still need to ask the boss about conference
If I do Rev3, then Bozeman Sprint? (it it happens again)
Rev3 Wisconsin followed by some time in Madison training on the course?? This might cost a lot and take some planning, but it would be a fun adventure. Or another thought would be to skip the actual Rev3 race and go to Wisconsin for a week or so for a training camp. I think it is worth it to know the course. My mom has some timeshare options and if this was flexible it could be affordable and comfortable. I could KOA it too though.
IM Wisconsin

That is as far as my thought process has gone this week.

This week- Not sure why running has seemed so hard. Haven't gotten much in.
Tuesday- Garage fit and Masters swim. I got demoted to the lower lane. It was kind of annoying because there were lots of new people and it was hard to figure out the pecking order. Not staying demoted. Going to the upper lane again.

Wed.- Well wasn't really planning on this, but jumped into the cross race that has now become a weekly series. Rode the mt bike which was probably faster since the course basically sucks. It was fun but not every week. More like a circuit race than a cross race. I was pretty pooped after. Got a couple of cool photos from Pascal Beauvais though.

                                        (yes my seat is too low, I never remember to fix it before I ride)
Garage fit again and then hmmm. I think all I did on Thursday was garage fit. Can't remember what went on though. My ass was really sore for the next few days though. I think I was sort of tired from the race the day before.

Friday- Swam at lunch. Swam for an hour. Just did sets of 300's of things I could think of. Lots of drills and a few harder efforts.

Saturday- Had to do a little work and then Erik and I went on a ride on our cross bikes. Smoke had really settled in and it wasn't a lot of fun. Didn't ride super hard. Total time ~2.5 hours.

Sunday- Masters swim. Hard workout. Got myself up in the next lane.
              Run- Ran up Sypes Canyon. I don't think I ever went there last year. I really like running in the fall. It sort of sprinkled on my all day which was so nice since the smoke was so awful the day before. Ran all the way to the T. I think it is 3.5 miles. Have never actually ran all the way there before. The trail is pretty steep and consistent.

Sunday evening: Pickled and canned some beets. I feel like a fat cow. Did two inches grow on my stomach? Okay, I am sick of this resting thing. Lets get going on something now.

Monday- Ran at lunch for an hour. Like running in the fall. Legs were sore from the trek up the mountain.


Off season

Had a good week. Again some more stuff that I can't usually do. Also, had some more time to reflect on last years season and a little bit on life too.
I went to garage fit on Tuesday and Thursday and swam  with Masters in the evening. Thursday I was hurting at Masters. I don't think all the arm and back stuff along with a 600 pull at Masters followed by a big workout really went well together.
Thursday and Friday were both really busy at work so I didn't do anything on Friday. Left work at 8pm and my brain felt pretty worked from the day. Saturday I got a call from my parents in the morning and said they were going over to the Lewis and Clark Caverns to visit my cousins and their kids that were camping there. I went with them with the intention of going on a run on the trails. All the little kids wanted to go with me and we had quite the adventure. Isaac lugged  his bike up the trail and had a blast going down. He squealed all the way. We stopped and looked for bats in a mine and we saw a rattlesnake. I therefore got another crossfit workout carry kids down the trail. It ended up being really fun and I think the kids had a good time. Sunday I went through the two year pile of paperwork that has been building up on our hutch. Felt good to get organized but was very ansty to get outside. It was a beautiful fall day.  Went for a pretty long mt bike ride. It was either 3 or 4 hours. I can't remember what my watch said when I left. I have really been enjoying the 29er, if I could just get some decent tires I would be set. I was pretty pooped after that ride. I guess not in mt bike shape. Funny though how 4 hours seems like not much when a couple of years ago that would have been a huge ride. Kind of felt sad all day. My good Ironman friend called me that morning and said he and his wife were going their separate ways. Very heartbreaking. They were a really good couple. This is the 2nd friend I have to get divorced this year. It makes me hurt for him, but also very grateful that I have a wonderful hubby. I didn't think Lawrence would do another IM because of Carrie, but now I think he is on board for Wisconsin so that is good for him and maybe a little selfishly, me.

I also had some time to think about this years race season. In the end I am very happy with it. IM Canada was the ultimate goal and that turned out to prove that I can get faster. Not just that though, it was a great race, I was able to push myself farther than I thought, it was also the icing on the cake for a whole season training, racing, etc.  It is amazing what anxiety and the unknown can do to one's psyche. All the other races this year were great too. Looking back I feel like the season was successful. I actually won a couple of races and placed better than last year at others. Erik got after me after one race when I wasn't super happy with it and said "a few years ago you would have been so happy". So I need to think about that. Being more positive.


One week post Ironman Canada

Not a lot of adventuring. A lot of hanging out and doing things I normally don't have time to do, like stuff in the kitchen. Drank a lot of beer. Oops. I think I am getting over that now.

We have a new swim coach for Masters. She is also my Ironman training buddy and friend. She is interested in trying to get the swim clinic to happen sometime. Are you and Jeff still on board if it works out with the Masters board? I sent her all of the info that I got from you last time.

Didn't do much this week.

Wednesday- Picked up my boss's CSA. Made pesto from the huge basil plant.

Thursday- Rode bike to stadium to tailgate with Erik's family. Rode home. Legs didn't want to go around. Went to Plonk with Lisa.

Friday- Drove to Flathead. Long drive.

Saturday- Funeral. Wow. Funerals are exhausting. Met up with Curry's when they got done with race and drove down to Polson to see Lindsy.

Sunday- Pretty long bike mt bike ride. Really like new bike. Legs and lungs felt great. Not so skilled but wasn't too tired. Layed around on the dock with Lindsy and her family. Hung out with them that evening.

Monday- Drove back to Bozeman in the am. Went in to work to start and experiment. Canned some pickles. Really tired from everything over the weekend.

Tuesday- Garage fit. I am not going to be able to walk tomorrow. Want to swim after work with Masters.