
29.5 weeks and Thanksgiving

It is Thanksgiving and the perfect time to reflect on what I am thankful for.
1- So many great people in my life.
2- That at 29.5 weeks pregnant I can run a 5k with my baby and feel really good doing it.
3- A combination of the above. The fact there is a Thanksgiving day run and that this year like in the past couple of years I got to run it with my friends. Lawrence you are awesome and I got to run it pregnant. Ivan has done two 5ks already!
4- My amazing, smart, clever, and sweet husband who is about to be an even better father. I can't wait to love you even more Erik.
5- My beautiful, warm, comfortable house that my husband designed and my father built. They did such a good job I don't like to be anywhere else.
6- That I have a job that is rewarding and supplies us with great healthcare.
7- That I get to live in Bozeman and on days like today the sun comes out and warms the back of your legs just enough to say that I love Bozeman.
8- My Mister Man. Who is currently being tortured by the bob tail cat out the window. He is such a snuggle bug how can you not just love him.

Ivan you could be here in 6 weeks. I am getting excited to meet the little creature that keeps moving around inside me.


28 weeks, 3rd trimester, and my birthday

I was just thinking the other day that pregnancy in some ways is similar to Ironman training. The final day seems so far away for a while, then at a certain point you sort of start to get tired of it and are ready to be done, however, at the same time it seems so close and you still have so much to do to be prepared. Ivan, you are getting bigger and I can feel you a lot of the time. It makes me excited to meet you!  But I still have to get so much done before you get here.


25 weeks

It's time to write again. What has happened in the last three weeks and what are my thoughts for moving forward. I have bought more newborn clothes than I think Erik has clothes. I am a little concerned about my inability to see past the newborn stage. What am I going to do for clothes when he grows out of them in a month? The bedroom is a disaster and furniture needs to be sold and bought and blinds need to go in. I need to start checking some of this stuff off the list. Work needs to come together before I take leave. If it is not one thing that stresses me out, it is another. I have been trying to take the time to enjoy the moment more. Yoga, on the hydrobed at the chiropractor, or drinking a small cup of morning coffee. I keep trying to exercise and am motivated for triathlon again. Oh, yeah, I need to sell my bike.

Ivan- I dreamt that you were here and I was packing to take you on a trip. Sort of crazy dream with lots of way too big diapers. I then realized that I had lost you. I had lost you and had no idea where you went. It was hard to wake up because I wanted to find you first. The first thought I had when I got up (without finding you) was that I love you and that I will never lose you. I think that is the first time I have ever told you I love you.

26 weeks and thoughts on having it all

Ivan is getting bigger. I woke up the other night with his head above my belly button. When I tried to feel what all the pressure was about he moved away. I was sort of half asleep but that was probably the biggest connection I have had with him so far. I felt his little head in my belly!

This week I also discovered this things called diastasis. This is why you can't do everything and for a very good reason. I stopped trying to do plank and use my front core in yoga. You can make the muscles on your belly separate even more and wow, I think it might be hard to get that flat stomach back again. Currently, if I engage my front core my stomach tents. That is my guts being held in by my fascia. So gross.

I also read this very interesting article about women and men and ambition and success. To me it sounds like women have way too much expectation to do and handle it all while men are just more successful because they aren't expected to handle it all. They are just expected to be successful at their jobs. It sounds like although that sounds great and supportive when people say you can do it, they are also sort of setting us up for failure. I am not sure if it is possible to be successful in a job, balance a family, stay in sport etc. Something has to give and it sounds like women choose the job. I can say that although I value my job and I want to work (a little bit) and keep this thing in my life. I also don't want to lose out on time with my new son and I don't want to lose out on sport.