
2/22 thru 2/28

Swam in the morning, but we already went over this.
Went over and ran the M then went across the street and ran up Drinking Horse. Each one took about 20 minutes of a good solid uphill. Drinking Horse is relentless and had to walk in a couple of places. Felt really nice to get outside and be in the woods a little bit. Get tired of the same routes I always do through town.
I love trail running, will that be okay to do some trails this summer for long runs rather than everything on the road?

Ran at lunch for 40 minutes. Felt good. Felt better than I thought I would.

Swam- Big Masters swim. Had a good motivated lane with fast people I kept having to chase down. Good workout too. 4x100, 2x200, 1x400, 2x200, 4x100 etc. They kept the intervals on about 2 minutes/100. It was tough. Swam ~3400. We were all pretty excited in the end to have finished the workout.I Like those girls.

Trainer ride post work. Did the workout. 1:30: Include 5x (3:00 HC r 1:00, 7:00 @ 1 gear easier then 40k r 3:00). Ride was fine. Felt tired and had a hard time finishing the last 7 minutes. Did some core,PT, and stretching post ride.

Swim-Went up to MSU. Did the workout. Was slower on the 100's than I think I should be. Maybe still tired from Wed. Its pretty easy to bust out these workouts at MSU.

Run- Had to get back to work so thought I would give Oula a try instead of running. Seemed quicker to get changed etc. Rolled my ankle. Walked it off and finished the 30 or so minutes so it isn't too bad. Really annoyed with myself.

Skipped am run to keep my ankle from getting worse.

Jamie, Lawrence, Art and I rode the trainer together. The "big" storm blew in snowing about 1 inch. Did the workout. Went fast with having everybody to talk to.

Masters swim- Ankle was sore and it hurts to kick much. We had some stroke stuff so did fly and breast. Then we did a bunch of 100's descending. I pulled the 100's. Thought it was better to be in the pool and made a good compromise with my ankle. Swim not so long. Only about ~2600.

Afternoon- Watched the newest Twilight while I rode the rollers. Got in 1:30. Solid ride but not hard.

Ankle much better this afternoon. Can sit cross legged without it hurting. Icing and elevating.


2/8/12 thru 2/21/12

Run to Pub: Likely. We were going to try for a Spring Break but it might not work out since Erik will actually have work then. I might try and fly to visit my parents again either near San Diego or in Palm Springs but that would be a long weekend.

Road Races: I called a meeting with the GAS girls so that we could discuss our schedule. I would be up for you telling me what to do a little bit too. If you think a Missoula training race would be beneficial we could come up for that. The Speedwagon Classic is March 30 and definitely on the list and the Roubaix is on the list so far.

Pool: the Swim Center pool is closing for repairs and cleaning for 3 weeks starting March 12th. I think Masters is trying to get time at MSU though and I can also swim there on my own. The hours are short though and weekends very limited with only a 2 hour time window on Saturday.


Took the whole day off and layed on the couch. Didn't feel very well at all.


Did the ride. Tried doing the intervals but it felt like it was too much. Felt okay to spin though.

Mini brick- Did the run. Ran pretty easy.


Off -Flew to PHX


Hike with the extended family. I think the total distance of the hike was only 3 miles. Not the crazy stuff my Dad usually does. Swam and did the workout that evening. The water in that pool was way too warm. Talk about being dehydrated after a swim. Think the pool is 25 meters.


Long run. Didn't find any hills. They were all too far away and my parents had plans so couldn't take the car to find the mountains. A trail run would have been fun but just wasn't in the plan. Ran on dirt along a canal that was just outside their place. Ran for 1:30.

Swam and did one of the 2000 workouts that evening. The one with the 1000 continuous. Felt good. The water was choppy and hard to settle in, but got it done.


Got up in the am before the water aerobics class to swim. Did the workout in the cool morning air. The air on the arms was the only respite from the heat of the pool. Barely finished the workout before the pool got inundated with old people. I counted 25 there for water aerobics and of course they come early to gossip.

Ran right after the swim for 30 minutes. Just wanted to get it done.

Had a good day with Mom and Dad after that. Lots of relative visiting.


Went home after work and rode the trainer for 1:20. Felt good to bike. I think I'm gaining weight. My legs look big.


Ran hills at lunch. Felt good. Went to Petes Hill and went up and down all the little side trails.

Master's- Swam with a bunch of fast people. Lots of 200 building. They would get so far ahead of me they would start their interval again before I even got back. Finally I just had to let them catch me on one lap to get a little break. Swam 3350 total. Pretty pooped.


Did the ride on the trainer. Good solid bike workout.

3x(9minutes RI 2:00, 6 minutes RI 2:00, 3 min RI 5 min) rode at a gear easier than 40TT. (Just put that in there for looking back on this log)


Swam and ran post work. Had to get up early to read a paper for work. Also, can swim at gym and have to pay extra for the Swim Center. Also, the water is getting colder. Brrr.

Ride outside. We got all geared up and went out for a ride. After ~30 minutes it started to snow and only got worse. Rode up Triple Tree and went down the trail. At 1:30 I was getting cold. Stopped by Rockford and got a hot shot of espresso before we kept going. Did the Erik loop backwards to get home. Lots of blowing snow in our faces. Got lost on the little wooded look at the east Gallatin. I know I could get out, it was just so strange to be so disoriented. Good solid ride and some adventure.

Masters swim- Only got in ~2800. It seems like she keeps doing the same workout. 200's. Wish there was a little more to mix it up with. Did a couple of the 100's as IM's just because. Was pretty tired from yesterdays ride.

Rode outside again for 2+ hours. I think it was more like 2.5 or 2.75. It started out beautiful but then the sun went behind the clouds and it got cold. Further, there was lots of snow, slush, and water. I was wet and cold.
So tired. Layed down on the couch at 530 and didn't get back up. Went to bed early and slept in pretty late. I can't believe how those two rides killed me like that.

Went to gym and did a treadmill run for 30. Wanted to get some good stretching and "PT" in. Can't really do it very well at home. Felt good. Went to bed early.

Got up early to swim at MSU. Just dragged though the swim. Didn't even finish the workout in the time I had alotted myself (then the pool closed). Maybe 200 short? Not really feeling so hot today.

Am planning on running this pm. Going to go over the the M and Drinking Horse. Good hills!
Hopefully I will feel better than on that swim.


1/31/12 thru 2/6/12

Ran at lunch- Did a 30 minute easy loop from work around town and back. I have a hard time getting out on these, but once I do they are great. Feels good to get out. Hard to motivate but I never regret it.

Busted out ~2900 at Masters. Lots of descending. Descend on the 100 1-4. Then an easy 200 then Descend on the 100 1-3 then kick 25 fast 75 moderate. Swim felt good. Was not in the right lane. There were two guys who complained a lot. Next time I need to go in the other lane. They might be faster, but I can chase them down and at least they do the workout and stay on time.

Friday- You know what we did! It was a fun day. I like swimming in the morning if I can bet myself there

Got up earlier than I would have liked to get to work to start a culture. Came home and ate breakfast and drank some coffee. Was feeling pretty tired. Went to work and infected mice. Was totally planned to run after infecting. However, I got out of there and was so tired and a little hungry. All I wanted to do was take a nap. Went home and took a nap instead of running. Didn't really think I was getting sick until Sunday

Woke up and was tired. Almost didn't make it to Masters. Felt good at Masters. Swam hard. Swam ~2800 total. Lots of 200's. A couple of sprinting 100's. Thought about my kick. Tried a 6 beat on the 100's. I think I swam faster but man the legs got tired.

Got home and rode with Erik, John, and Lisa. Did the loop we took you on and didn't go up Story Hill but rode over to where my parents live. Then did a south of town loop. Rode for exactly 2.5 hours.

Was starting to not feel well after this ride. Got home and my nose got stuffed up. Think I'm getting sick.

Monday 2-6-12
Slept really long and well last night. Woke up feeling better than when I went to bed. Had a sore throat. That had gone away. However, as the day goes on I am feeling worse not better. Going to skip the run.

Questions: Oliver or the Desert Half? If I do Oliver I would have a better chance at my goal race time. The Desert Half is up that climb. Other thoughts are that the Desert Half is July 8th and then the Bozeman Half is July 29th. Pretty close together. I could spend the 4th weekend doing some hard training without all the travel ect. If I went in June it would be more relaxed.

Thoughts: I really think that stress and anxiety make me sick. This weekend was great and the clinics were great, but my poor management and working so much pushed me over the top. Better planning!! No big work days when other stuff is going on, or else I need to recruit help to manage it all.

I sort of made a last minute decision to go visit my parents in Phoenix this weekend. Leave on Friday at 5:30pm and get in late on Monday. Leave there at 7pm. They have a roughly 25 yard pool in their little complex with a line on the bottom for swimming laps. The water is kindof warm but its so nice to swim outside. I will also bring my running shoes. My Dad likes to hike so that might be an adventure one day?