
Week of 2-09, Base 2-2, Hours 14.5-16.0


My gym membership expired. I would have lifted at lunch today, but had nowhere to go. I am going to join the gym at MSU, but first I have to get an MSU ID card.

Masters swim
and oh did I say Drills
almost 3000m today

Time 1:30

Skate ski at Lindley. Time is valuable this week. We have a Team meeting tonight, I have a Parks and Rec. meeting on Thursday, and Friday is Ruby's birthday (5:30).
This is my planned workout today
Warm up and skills-ski without poles, work on V2 and V2 alternate -45 minutes
85% for 15 minutes x1
85% for 5-7 minutes x3
85% or more for 1-2 minutes x5-8
Planned time 1:45

Trainer night with the girls. Lisa, Carrie, and Marta were there. We rode for 1:15 while watching Arnold lift weights. I tried to work a little harder and rode at 6 minute intervals in zone 3-4 and did that 3x. I then came home and rode for another 45 minutes.
2 hours total

I had a Parks and Rec meeting so todays hours were cut a little short. I rode to work, but got a flat so Jenny came and picked me up. I then went to the gym and lifted for an hour.
Total time 1:15

I needed a mental health day. Called in sick so that I could get in a good workout.
Rode to the gym
Warm up 200m
Tempo swim 1000m
kick 50x8
cool down 200
Time :45

Ran- trails around town and hills
Time 1:30

Biked home

Total time 2:45
zones 2-3

Sort of took an easy day. Rode around town on the fixies with Erik
Time :45
zone 1-2

Skied up Bozeman Creek to Wild Horse Junction 17 miles
Time 2:30
zones 2-3

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