I am excited for this year. Excited to try and make it the best one yet. Lots of goals to try to achieve and ways to succeed. Erik bought me a nexus 7 (tablet) for my birthday. I love, love, love the kindle app. I love to read and now books are just at my fingertips. My new favorite book is called The Art of Racing in the Rain. The story is heart wrenching but throughout the book are these little sentences of wisdom. Such as, being alone is not the same thing as being lonely and that the mood is not created for you, you create your mood. I feel like I have been very introspective lately. Probably why I am home alone on a Saturday night, not out listening to a band. Oh well, I don't feel lonely when I am alone. I think erik does. Maybe it is being firstborn vs. growing up the youngest in a house with 4 brothers.
Schedule- Work not too bad. Not this week but next will have a big day on thursday.
1hour swim, sunday - thoughts? I am ambivalent.
Thoughts- You know I own a trainer right? I don't mind the rollers just thought I would ask. Also, on my left hand my pinky and ring finger go numb after about 30 minutes. It goes away really quickly. So unbalanced. Thoughts?
Anyway, on with this week. Boss left on wed and didn't have a lot of work so kind of slacked on my hours. Made me wish I could work 30 hours a week. Had a good focused training week.
Tuesday gift with gang and then swim. Swim hurt. My arms were so tired. Maybe that isn't a good idea.
Wed - left work early and was excited for the workout. Did the ride and changed to run. It wasn't super cold out so a great run. Don't feel like I have a ton of running endurance. Was tired by the end. Kept the pace up pretty good though.
Thursday - run on treadmill. Maybe pushed a little hard. Sometimes it feels good to go and Thursday it did. My left calf was sore though.
Gfit with Amy G. My ass hurt the next day and the next.
Friday- 1000k efforts in the pool didn't go as fast as I had wanted. I am not slower than last year though :)
Sat- Lawrence came over to ride with me. So nice to have great company. Rode hard. Probably would have suffered more without him there. Just staring at the clock. Rode for more like 2 hours to get a little warm up in and a little cool down in. Chatted with him for a while after ride so run was not immediate, but did brave 4 degree weather for a run. Feet were cold at first but got warmed up and it was nice to be outside.
Sunday - good masters swim. 100s off the blocks with the time going down 5 seconds each time. Stayed with the lane and ended up doing 13 100s without much rest. I felt pretty worked and hot. Dang, that water is warm.
Lisa got a stomach bug so I brought her tea and bubbly water. Left feeling like my stomach was weird too. Not sure what to think so got out on a ski. It was cold, probably 5 degrees. The snow was cold and not groomed past the outhouse. Felt like i had to work hard to get anywhere. Total ski was more like 80 minutes. I'm such a slacker.
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