
Tired of responsibility

Another one of my favorite things is clean sheets.

Super sore today. My hands and back hurt in lots of weird places. I thought that it was Mondays adventure ski but after some reflection I think it was from shoveling. There was some ice on our front walkway and I really went after it Sunday. Anyway, gift was hard. Core was also a lot of arms so we basically did two sets of arms. Swimming was good. My goggles wouldn't seal so I spent a bunch of time dealing with that. Feel good about fly. I can make a 50 now pretty well. It hurts but it is doable.

Did the ride and the run. Lisa came over and did the ride with me. On the run, I think I went out too hard. Could only go for 9 minutes.

Big worthless work day. 

There are aspects of my job that I hate. I hate killing mice. Everyday I have a big mouse experiment it just breaks my heart. Today I ran flow on the cells from the mice I killed yesterday. The machine stopped working after one group. I thought something looked weird but figured I would collect the events I needed and look at it later with some different software. We were using a new tetramer and I wasn't sure what it would look like. In summary, I killed a lot of mice and spent a lot of money for no reason. Here is me crying. I should  have noticed the problem and not run all the tubes. Here is me feeling sorry for myself and thinking I am a bad scientist. Such a dumnass sometimes. Okay, now for a run. Sometimes a run is a good chance to get out those tears. You know the 4 non blondes song What's Up    "25 years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope. " I think I still feel that way at 35.
Got out for a nice ride. It was warm and felt good to be in the sun. Got pretty muddy.

Sunday Race. I raced. There was nobody in the competition that was faster. I won. The paycheck was awesome. I was the fastest that showed up. Slower than last year but beat 2nd place by 30 minutes. Have mixed feelings about it. The run hurt the worst. I got a big gap on everybody else. On the bike I just tried to keep it upright. Found  that I could ride on the edge out of the tracks and ride up almost everything. You could see where the guys ahead of me had to run. Passed a couple of guys. The ski wax fine. Didn't feel super strong on the ski. Knew at that point I just had to finish to win.

I guess Worlds is in Italy. I know I said before that I wouldn't go, but if USAT gives me money I am going to consider it. I guess it is in 4-5 weeks. So still early. How cool, to get a trip to Italy. I kind of looked into the rules though, and it doesn't look super promising that I will get money. I will keep you updated.


Let the new year begin

I am excited for this year. Excited to try and make it the best one yet. Lots of goals to try to achieve and ways to succeed. Erik bought me a nexus 7 (tablet) for my birthday. I love, love, love the kindle app. I love to read and now books are just at my fingertips. My new favorite book is called The Art of Racing in the Rain. The story is heart wrenching but throughout the book are these little sentences of wisdom. Such as, being alone is not the same thing as being lonely and that the mood is not created for you, you create your mood. I feel like I have been very introspective lately. Probably why I am home alone on a Saturday night, not out listening to a band. Oh well, I don't feel lonely when I am alone. I think erik does. Maybe it is being firstborn vs. growing up the youngest in a house with 4 brothers.

Schedule- Work not too bad. Not this week but next will have a big day on thursday.
1hour swim, sunday - thoughts? I am ambivalent.

Thoughts- You know I own a trainer right? I don't mind the rollers just thought I would ask. Also, on my left hand my pinky and ring finger go numb after about 30 minutes.  It goes away really quickly. So unbalanced. Thoughts?

Anyway, on with this week. Boss left on wed and didn't have a lot of work so kind of slacked on my hours. Made me wish I could work 30 hours a week. Had a good focused training week.

Tuesday gift with gang and then swim. Swim hurt. My arms were so tired. Maybe that isn't a good idea.

Wed - left work early and was excited for the workout. Did the ride and changed to run. It wasn't super cold out so a great run. Don't feel like I have a ton of running endurance. Was tired by the end. Kept the pace up pretty good though.

Thursday - run on treadmill. Maybe pushed a little hard. Sometimes it feels good to go and Thursday it did. My left calf was sore though.
Gfit with Amy G.  My ass hurt the next day and the next.

Friday- 1000k efforts in the pool didn't go as fast as I had wanted. I am not slower than last year though :)

Sat- Lawrence came over to ride with me. So nice to have great company. Rode hard. Probably would have suffered more without him there. Just staring at the clock. Rode for more like 2 hours to get a little warm up in and a little cool down in. Chatted with him for a while after ride so run was not immediate, but did brave 4 degree weather for a run. Feet were cold at first but got warmed up and it was nice to be outside.

Sunday - good masters swim. 100s off the blocks with the time going down 5 seconds each time. Stayed with the lane and ended up doing 13 100s without much rest. I felt pretty worked and hot.  Dang, that water is warm.
Lisa got a stomach bug so I brought her tea and bubbly water. Left feeling like my stomach was weird too. Not sure what to think so got out on a ski. It was cold, probably 5 degrees. The snow was cold and not groomed past the outhouse. Felt like i had to work hard to get anywhere. Total ski was more like 80 minutes. I'm such a slacker.


Another week

This week was pretty uneventful. I stayed home sick on Thursday. On Friday I worked, ran 30 minutes, and did one time through on gift.  On Saturday I slept in really late and still had a sore throat. Went to the pool to do the swim but it was closed because of a swim meet. Thought about riding the trainer but took a nap instead. Chilled out on sat night and felt pretty good Sunday. Went to masters and then went and skied with Jenny and William. William had some app on his phone and it said we skied for 2:45. It seemed like less and we stood around a lot  but regardless it was fun. Took a while to warm up but felt pretty good after an hour or so.


Julie's wish list

Vacation/Training camps
Spring Break in St George- March 11-13
Training Camp in Madison Wisconsin- TBD one week- June ?
 Post Ironman cyclocross tour across MT with Erik

Triathlon Races-
Grizzly- April 20th
Half  Ironman St. George- May 12th
Bozeman half or sprint- June 23. Not sure how into this I am, but it is in Bozeman. We should discuss.
Rev 3 Portland - July 14th
Big Horn Canyon Triathlon - July 6th
Polson triathlon- August 13th
Ironman Wisconsin- September 8th

Road Racing-
Speedwagon- March 30th
Cow Country- June 1
Roubaix- April 27- Probably not after being in Missoula the weekend before for Grizzly.

Running races
 Run to the Pub Half Marathon- Probably March 16th.

Make tracks for trails. A cross country skiing fundraiser for the Gallatin Valley Land Trust. February 24th.
Three Rivers Century- last weekend of August. Wouldn't this be perfect for one of the final rides? A fully supported century.

Other vacation/family
Visit parents in Arizona between January and February
Girls trip to Seattle to visit Lindsy Campbell


Happy new year

Schedule- I have to go to a City Commission meeting on Monday the 7th. The commission is be presented to pool feasibility study and I need to go so that I can present it to the Rec and Parks board. The meeting starts at 6pm and I only have to stay until the feasibility study is done on the agenda. Then I have the Rec and Parks board meeting that Thursday at 7pm.  Other than that this week is pretty open.

Question- Whats up with the back stroke?

Wed.- Left work around 1:30 and went up to Bozeman Creek to ski with my kind of co-worker Matt. He is a grad student in another lab. He is a really good skier. We skied up for about an hour and then down. Total time was about 1:20. Worked hard on the little uphills on the way down. Matt would just pull away from me like he was being launched. Fun to follow him. Think it helps me to ski better. 
Swam in the pm. Only person who showed up for masters. Joanna did too, but left to sit in her hottub with her husband. Good swim. Mellow. Feeling a little worked from the ski. 

Thursday- Rode the rollers in the pm and did the prescribed workout. Lots of minutes. 

Had a hard time this weekend balancing family, friends, holidays, and getting the training list done. Never got the run done. Also, didn't buy a lift ticket. Decided not to bother with downhill skiing. Don't have all the gear and don't feel like purchasing it at the moment. 
I need a non-family vacation. Am going to make a list of everything I want to do this year and see if it can happen. Wish I had more vacation time. This is including vacation, training and races. 

Great day in the pool. Not as tired as the last few times. Good to have a gift break. Found a new inconsistency on my right arm. It feels okay when I breath on the right but goes back to weird when I breath on the left. Am going to try and get filmed again this weekend. Also, maybe a little breakthrough on the flip turn. Lawrence does a little dolphin kick into the turn. I have practiced just flipping down the pool but not at the wall. I incorporated it into those 1k 100s. It was great. Helped me to not lose speed at the wall and I think to get my feet over. In the end I think I lose less air. A good turn and my time went down 1 second!
Went to golf course in whitefish and did laps. Did lots of skills and then a few hard laps. One skill called marathon skiing. Stand on one leg and push with the other should be good for my obvious imbalance.  My right leg is worthless. Also, practiced v2.
Sort of spur of the moment skate ski race. Saw a flier for it and thought it would be fun. It was hard. 1 mile up and the next 10 km descending. Also hard because I really race. It was like bike racing. Drafting etc. I was pretty stoked when I actually won!
Tired. Went out in whitefish Sunday night with gabe. That never ends well. What a night owl. Also some serious cramps. I thought my ovaries were going to fall out. Didn't get an early start and my planned swim then ski failed. Erik and I ended up skiing for an hour or so. Pretty slowly. Tired from race.
Got the swim in finally. Despite my annoyances with the pool I am pretty lucky to have what I have in bozeman. The summit has a side current, I swear. It is so hard to go in a straight line.