
Racing, house building, and this crazy thing called life...

Was looking up something and came across Joe Friel's blog. Do you know how much he charges to coach? 10,000$ for 6 months. Pay up front. OMG. I don't tell you enough how grateful I am to have the best coach, who invests in me, and should be charging much more. Seriously, you are awesome and I am very lucky!

So I started thinking after we talked how I was going to work all this out (house stuff). You seemed a little shocked and maybe not super supportive of St. George. Is that because it is getting close and I at this point have a harder time getting ready for it?  And/or is it a matter of quality training?  Daylight, outside riding, open water swimming, actually running (not slipping around on ice).  I don't need to do it and it was just an idea. All that Facebook marketing is doing it's trick. So I guess that is my first question/thought.

So, if Calgary is the way to go, I may have come up with a solution/compromise. I would like to have a great race there and there are some other even more complicated perks about that race that I have toyed with.  I also talked to my dad and he said that the bulk of the house work will probably be July, August, Sept. and Oct. Not so much before then. So, I was thinking that I will NOT go on any vacation between now and then and save up my hours. Then commit one day on the house each week and then the rest of my time will be for working and training. I should have 60 hours or so of vacation by June. I asked my dad what he thought and he really liked the idea. I could be flexible on when that day is as far as work and training too. Also, for the summer I will try and keep races pretty close so that I can do either day trips or overnight trips to races and be here for part of most weekends. That way I can dedicate a few hours to house stuff on the weekends too. I am thinking this should keep me pretty balanced and provide the extra time for the house.

Schedule- Hmmm. I am trying not to have to speak to the boss right now. I guess this would be some motivation to email him and ask him what to do for the next week. Done. Will update when I know. How about a busy work day on Wednesday? Would that fit in well. I could make it Thursday or Friday too? (Of next week)
-Here this weekend. Clothing swap and Olympics on Sunday.
-Looks like it is going to be cold for a few days. Can you give me something sort of entertaining for running on the treadmill? Not just run 50 minutes. Kill me now.

This week was far, far better than the week before. I think some of my exhaustion comes with anxiety of training. Such as getting the workouts in during the pool times etc. For some reason last week had a lot of anxiety. This week was not. In general, it really helps to not have a ton going on on Friday's. Something usually comes up on Friday's including work meetings or dinner with friends who I usually put off etc that really lead to the anxiety. I also went grocery shopping and had almost enough food for the week. That was pretty amazing. It sucks to be anxious and hungry. Basically though, this was a good model of a week that was very manageable. Not on hardness of workouts, but scheduling. The hardness actually seemed pretty fairly easy. I guess that ride on Thursday was pretty hard.

The swim sessions were noticeably easier this week. The yardage is building gradually but the effort was a lot easier. I felt like they were good sessions. I have a fellow Masters swimmer who teaches swimming for a living. She was at MSU on Saturday. She gave me a tip that she has been longing to give. My hands are to wide and I need to catch up more. I did catch up the normal way for her, then she told me to keep my arms closer to my ears. It was noticeably easier with  more glide. Very thankful for the tip!!!  I think it may be what Lawrence was trying to say about my reach and getting a longer reach.

The week was good. I don't remember much standing out or not standing out. I was terrible on PT. Did the exercises before running, but didn't do any core work all week. One thing about swimming is that it is mentally hard to do other things after getting out of the pool, showering, having a wet head etc. It takes some extra motivation to get outside after swimming in the winter. I feel like I am fighting off a chill the whole time. I also have a hard time putting on (or even remembering) my gym clothes to do core work. Need to come up with a good system for this. Tomorrow after run ( will be a start)

Rode on Saturday with a couple of people. 2 hours went by really fast. Sunday I did go on a skate ski instead of run. It was a beautiful sunny day and it snowed a lot on Friday night. The trail was amazing in it's grooming. Until the bridge. Then it wasn't groomed or really soft. Lost motivation. Skied for at least 1:30 though and skied straight up without stopping. . Hope that is okay. I know I keep slacking on this run. Hopefully you are still thinking it's uh February.

Now remember stuff standing out:
Swim 500y time trial- 7:40. Initially disappointed but on further reflection I am okay with that. Not as fast as I wish but faster than I was.  Felt off during it. Would like to try again when I am feeling like my form is on. I did work really, really hard though.

Monday ride- Got computrainer all set up and working correctly. Motivated with sour gummy worms.
IM- 150-160 watts
Half IM- 170 to 175 watts
40k -180 to 190
20k- 200-220 (220 was hard to achieve in 2nd and 3rd one)
High cadence- 175-190
Time went by pretty quick. Good workout.

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