

         I met with one of the kids from the tri club about the Bobcat. I am so impressed. Super nice kid and the club has done an amazing job of planning their race. So many more details taken care of than I expected and along the lines of what I was already thinking. Because they are a club it sounds like they can get insurance through the university and they don't even want to work with USAT.  The only thing which I totally I understand is they want to do it in the spring. The officers of the club and basically the ones who have gotten it started are graduating in the spring and they want to do it before they leave.
They had the date as the Saturday after the Grizzly. The more we talked he was really open for changing it to the end of May. Which sort of comes with it's own set of problems, such as all the students are out for the summer. I am not sure if he realized that. I realized that I probably shouldn't put on the exact same race in the fall and likely won't have university support and don't want to step on the tri kids toes. I really want to help them. So I kind of volunteered to help direct the race. So as a race promoter in Montana what do you think about an end of May race in the pool. Damn, I wish it was in the fall. When do UM students get done with school? The Grizzly is the most perfect weekend out there. 
      Also, what do you think of me taking this on in May? I think it might work out well. I can focus on the Grizzly in April and then I don't think much is on the calender until the end of June. That way I will  have the rest of the summer to focus on racing!!!

Been looking at races but don't have anything decided yet. A few mountain bike Mule events in the mix too!!!

ATTENTION- I want to go in and meet with Annalisa for doing some computrainer workouts. Can you help schedule a time for next week? What I mean is set out some time. I can do the actual appointment :)

Schedule- Need to work for a couple of hours on Saturday. Also, Dylan (the badass swimmer from here) wants to do some trainer rides with us but works on Sundays. So it would be fun to ride with him a little on Saturdays if that works out. The MSU pool is now open on weekends again!! No more swimming at the Swim Center!!!  Except Masters on Sundays. Otherwise next week I don't have a lot going on as far as work. I will probably have an experiment on Thursday. It will have a two hour incubation, so probably a long day although I can get a small run in. Will probably be able to make it to Masters. 

This week. I know there were a few runs in there. Borrowed somebodies rubber things that you attach to your shoes for running on ice. They were absolutely amazing!! I think I can get a free pair from MSU. Going to look into that in a minute. 

Thursday- Masters- I think we was about 3200. I can't remember the workout, just that I was feeling motivated. 
Friday- Swim workout was hard. I was feeling like my arms would not go around for that last 150. I worked myself hard at masters the night before so was probably feeling it. I feel like maybe I am comfortable swimming faster in that 2100-2500 range but as soon as I go over 3000 I feel it. 

Saturday. I did totally fail on Saturday, which I already told you about. Missed the swimming hours and then tried to ski but it was really cold out and my lungs rebelled. Got in about 4.5 miles. Then went home and took a nap for a couple of hours. Not really sure what happened. 

Sunday- Had a good swim with Masters and then rode the trainer with Lawrence. Nice to have somebody to chat with. The time went by very quick. 

Monday- Had a big experiment. Felt really tired and crappy all day. Went to the gym to run on the treadmill at ~645 and it was all I could do to get through it and get the PT done. Slept really, really well that night and felt soooo much better on Tuesday

Tuesday- Meeting with CJ. Went home and did trainer workout before Masters. That was kind of hard. Not much break. Then went to Masters. It was IM night. 300 fly (50drill/25swim) followed by lots of 200s. Can last longer than 25 on my fly. Almost get to 50. I was kind of glad for IM night. My shoulder was really tired from pipetting at work on Monday. 

Wed- TBD

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