

Feeling sort of depressed. Lots of immoral things like jealousy but maybe more clinical things like lack of daylight. Keep getting distracted by skis. Alpine touring skis. However, the cost is pretty big and the time etc.  Ran on Saturday 12/22 in the sun. Felt much better and got some things worked out which I should be honest with.  I want to try my hardest to qualify for the world championship this year at Wisconsin. Do you think I can get at least 30 minutes faster this year? Hopefully it will happen. If it doesn't happen I am okay with that because I have lots of other dreams. Note: not trying to make excuses, just put a "race" into perspective.

Swimming- I thought about it and do feel stronger in the water. The Swim Center is a couple of degrees too warm and I used to feel like there was gelatin in the water. I haven't felt that in a while. Also, I think backstroke is getting easier. The swim can be so demoralizing though. Friday (12/21) was pretty miserable. I felt slow and like I couldn't get my right arm to work. i guess i sort of feel like i keep working and working at it but nothing changes. Sort of like beating my head against a wall. My body felt really tight. Not wanting to move. Maybe I need to think about doing some more stretching.

Schedule- we are going to Kalispell for the new year weekend. Leave Friday and come home Tuesday. You can hike up at big mountain and ski down, for free. That sounds like fun to me. I can swim in a pool up there, either in kalispell or whitefish. The state swim meet is in the summit pool in kalispell.
Monday- Went for a run at lunch. It was pretty cold and windy out and I wasn't a super happy camper. I was ready to be done at 30 minutes, but still had to get home. Oh well. Got it done and it doesn't always have to be pretty.

Lots of blog for you to read if I just keep writing each day. Followed the plan. A few questions/comments about gift. You overestimate my power of a pull up. Only 2 the first time and only 1 the rest. He bar is really high and I was completely hanging. Then this buff guy comes and does multiple pull ups with kettle ball attached. Demoralizing.
Explain the wide jumping back and forth? Not sure if I was doing that right.

Tuesday- 30 minute run followed by gfit.

Wednesday- Stumbled out of bed and down to the garage for a roller ride in the am. Rode and hour and got off. Got some new music which makes it more fun.
Swim was good, good, good. I could actually start to feel slip when my right hand wasn't working right. It probably took 3 sets of paddles to no paddles to figure it out, but I really felt like I had a breakthrough with it. Yes!!!

Thursday- Got in 35 minutes of a good run in and then did gfit. One legged plank nearly killed me. We do a lot of one legged plank (called plank torture) in the Amy/Megan workouts, but only hold each side 30 seconds. One minute was a lot.

Friday- Good swim. Staying on time with those 1k efforts isn't working. I can do the first but the 2nd, 3rd, 4th get slower and slower. I was surprised, but I could generally do the 2/3 breathing for the fast swimming. I might have cheated a little and done more on the left coming into and out of the wall. Definitely felt my form completely fall apart though. Next filming session, I am going to have Lawrence film me trying to go fast.

Saturday- Went up to Bozeman Creek with William. Skied for a couple of hours. Went a couple of miles past the bridge. Felt really good. Felt like I got to blow out the pipes, a lot. Skiing was pretty awesome too. Good base and nice fast snow. Did a little bit of concentrating on my right leg. I definitely am not as stable on it as my left. The glide is usually shorter. Maybe work on some stabilizing muscles in my right leg too?

Sunday- Couldn't resist getting back on the skis. Also, it was cold and windy in town. Didn't feel like running or riding my bike. Skied to the cabin. Around 9-10 miles up. So probably got in around 20 miles. Pretty much devastated myself. Felt really good. I needed a devastation. I looked at some picture of my gluteus medius so I could think about it when doing gfit, biking, and running. Skate skiing really works the gluteus medius. Hard to walk down the stairs this morning.

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