
Still fall in Montana.

Had a hectic week trying to do stuff with my sister, family, and friends. Erik and crew went to Butte for cyclocross racing. I just couldn't muster the energy. In my head I have to have things planned out and organized. I like knowing what I am doing and when. This week was rough because Jenny is so fly be the seat of her pants that I can't keep up.

Another thing I like (and don't like based on the above paragraph) about the off season is that I feel okay when I am a total shit show. It is okay to go to the cross race and not ride the course because I didn't get there early enough, or forget my swim suit and have to find time later in the day to swim. If fully exhausts me, but so does being very organized.

Gfit- I sent you the workout and I am going to try and run for 15-20 minutes before from now on.
Skills practice- Went to the cyclocross skills practice. I definitely need to work on my skills. On Saturday as I was doing an awesome run I was thinking about my biking skills. It seems like skills come with practice and with triathlon my practice is less that everybody else i.e. Lisa. Erik was giving me crap about mt bike riding when I bought her bike because she rides so much even her seat was worn out on the edges. I just don't have enough time right now to ride that much. Maybe in a few years.

Shit show Julie. Showed up a couple of minutes before the race. The course was backwards from the last two weeks. Didn't get to pre ride. I was also on my cross bike. Bumpy. I think I was faster on the mt bike. A few of the laps my skills really sucked, but I was trying to focus, and I think I was getting better on the corners. Going wide, taking the apex, going wide. Practice helped.

Had dinner right after the race with the parents and sister and fiance.

G-fit- Oh, this is the workout I told you about. Can you write us a gfit workout for this week? Amy and Megan are gone.

Really wanted to do a mt bike ride with Jeny. Ended up hiking. I hate hiking. I like to run a trail and if it gets to steep then hike, but just hiking. Yuck. We trucked it straight up the M then over towards Sypes. Jenny is a firefighter and can walk really fast. I was having to run just to keep up with her on the downhill.
With Gfit and that hike I was pretty pooped that night. Went to happy hour with her friends and drank too much. IN bed early though.

Swim- forgot suit so had to go back. Therepeutic swim. Last set of 400's were pretty hard.

am wedding shower for Jenny.
pm Went on a long run/hike. This time I started in Middle Cottonwood and went to where the trail drops down to Truman. Could make a seriously good loop out of this, going back down and then running on dirt over to the car. Wish I had thought of it before I left, but wasn't really sure how long it would take. Didn't really want to get lost by myself. Maybe I will do that or Cottonwood to the M next weekend. Just keep connecting more and more trails. It was so pretty out. Lots of leaves falling at the bottom, but still blooming lupine at the top. I guess the trail is 5 miles out and back with lots of climbing. Total time was 2:15. Had to hike a bunch after probably ~3miles.

Master swim- kind of a fun workout. A lung buster.
10x50 on 1:10 breast stoke underwater for 3 off the wall. I couldn't do this. Would just pop up.
10x50 on 1:00 50 free with fins/50 breast with hands, dolphin kick. Could not quite get on 1:00. This was a lung buster.
3x 300 swim at 5:15. Couldn't get this either- came in on 5:36 and then 150 breast with 3 kick one pull. This was so slow. I had to swim 3 and then do this just to not have them wait for me too much. This was a lung buster too.

Run- Afternoon run on the trails around town. Legs were really sore from Saturday so went slow, but steady. Pretty flat. No major hills. Ran ~1hr.
Made some more pickles.

Going to head over to the track for your mile lung buster and Masters swim this evening. I hear it is a 4000. We'll see if I can get it in.

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