Got up early (6am) and headed over to the pool. I might have been a little short finishing that 1000 because the pool closed. It was really busy that morning and took a while to find a lane. Therefore my timing was off.
Rode the rollers after work. It think I remember the weather being kind of yucky.
Got up again to swim. This time 530am. That workout was good! I figured out all of my times in advanced based on a 16:00 1000. Never could quite get it. Always a few seconds off. I really like knowing exactly where I am.
Ran after work. It was beautiful out and I had a really good run. Solid. Kept the pace up and did lots of hills. I didn't do the usual up and down Pete's. It was a slushy mess on the trails. Stuck to more of the roads.
Ride after work. Was more like 1:45. Got the TT bike out and did the ride with Erik. Found some good places to do the 10 minute intervals that were mainly uphill. This was a good solid ride. We were both pretty worked from it.
After work I went over and got the swim in. Those 50's were fun. Tried really hard to get a little faster on each one.
Went on a run. Didn't feel very good. Legs were heavy and not very motivated. I decided to head back and cut it short. After 10-12 minutes my legs felt much better. I think that was a good learning experience. Maybe it takes 10 minutes to get the legs going. I still headed back. Felt stressed about stuff at home etc.
Excited and nervous about the weekend. Racing, no matter what kind, makes me nervous.
Up early again and off to Missoula. Training race was really fun. Good test of my fitness. I kept up with Lindsy and Tamara. This is good for me. It was pretty cool to be able to get myself to dig deeper than I think I have in the past.
Had a good afternoon hanging out with Lindsy and a good evening hanging out with my cousin and her family. She has an amazing guest bed. Plush sheets, featherbed. Slept like a rock.
Up early again. Got suckered into the LMSC (something about a swimming committee) annual meeting that morning. Should have slept in until 830 or so and then headed to the pool.
Swam my races. Finished the 50 fly. Did the 100 free in 1:17. Talked to Jen Luebke. She was really nice and actually approached me. I think we will get something worked out for a little swim clinic. I am thinking maybe May? Did the 1000 in 16:08. A- I am happy about it. I took off time from my plateau swim time of ~16:45 and B-I am happy about the swim training because the numbers do not lie. I feel like working with you on this is doing some good. Master's works too they just don't accomodate my focus all the time.
Was pretty tired after that day of swimming. That was a blast though. Type 1 fun. Except swimming the 1000. That was type 2. Anyway, got out on that run. Did the Grizzly course and ran that hill 3X. I really wanted to get in my head what to expect. I always remember a lot of false summits. I also wanted to practice running down it. Last year 2 people passed me on the downhill. This year they won't be able to get by!!
This week. Focus is to get sleep. I need to stay more rested. Last week I was running off of sleep deprivation. I like morning swimming, but think only one day is better than two. And not so much socializing this week. My ass is on the couch in the evening.
Masters starts again this week. I guess the got the pool up and running faster than expected.
Tuesday is a big work day!!
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