
2/22 thru 2/28

Swam in the morning, but we already went over this.
Went over and ran the M then went across the street and ran up Drinking Horse. Each one took about 20 minutes of a good solid uphill. Drinking Horse is relentless and had to walk in a couple of places. Felt really nice to get outside and be in the woods a little bit. Get tired of the same routes I always do through town.
I love trail running, will that be okay to do some trails this summer for long runs rather than everything on the road?

Ran at lunch for 40 minutes. Felt good. Felt better than I thought I would.

Swam- Big Masters swim. Had a good motivated lane with fast people I kept having to chase down. Good workout too. 4x100, 2x200, 1x400, 2x200, 4x100 etc. They kept the intervals on about 2 minutes/100. It was tough. Swam ~3400. We were all pretty excited in the end to have finished the workout.I Like those girls.

Trainer ride post work. Did the workout. 1:30: Include 5x (3:00 HC r 1:00, 7:00 @ 1 gear easier then 40k r 3:00). Ride was fine. Felt tired and had a hard time finishing the last 7 minutes. Did some core,PT, and stretching post ride.

Swim-Went up to MSU. Did the workout. Was slower on the 100's than I think I should be. Maybe still tired from Wed. Its pretty easy to bust out these workouts at MSU.

Run- Had to get back to work so thought I would give Oula a try instead of running. Seemed quicker to get changed etc. Rolled my ankle. Walked it off and finished the 30 or so minutes so it isn't too bad. Really annoyed with myself.

Skipped am run to keep my ankle from getting worse.

Jamie, Lawrence, Art and I rode the trainer together. The "big" storm blew in snowing about 1 inch. Did the workout. Went fast with having everybody to talk to.

Masters swim- Ankle was sore and it hurts to kick much. We had some stroke stuff so did fly and breast. Then we did a bunch of 100's descending. I pulled the 100's. Thought it was better to be in the pool and made a good compromise with my ankle. Swim not so long. Only about ~2600.

Afternoon- Watched the newest Twilight while I rode the rollers. Got in 1:30. Solid ride but not hard.

Ankle much better this afternoon. Can sit cross legged without it hurting. Icing and elevating.

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