
1/31/12 thru 2/6/12

Ran at lunch- Did a 30 minute easy loop from work around town and back. I have a hard time getting out on these, but once I do they are great. Feels good to get out. Hard to motivate but I never regret it.

Busted out ~2900 at Masters. Lots of descending. Descend on the 100 1-4. Then an easy 200 then Descend on the 100 1-3 then kick 25 fast 75 moderate. Swim felt good. Was not in the right lane. There were two guys who complained a lot. Next time I need to go in the other lane. They might be faster, but I can chase them down and at least they do the workout and stay on time.

Friday- You know what we did! It was a fun day. I like swimming in the morning if I can bet myself there

Got up earlier than I would have liked to get to work to start a culture. Came home and ate breakfast and drank some coffee. Was feeling pretty tired. Went to work and infected mice. Was totally planned to run after infecting. However, I got out of there and was so tired and a little hungry. All I wanted to do was take a nap. Went home and took a nap instead of running. Didn't really think I was getting sick until Sunday

Woke up and was tired. Almost didn't make it to Masters. Felt good at Masters. Swam hard. Swam ~2800 total. Lots of 200's. A couple of sprinting 100's. Thought about my kick. Tried a 6 beat on the 100's. I think I swam faster but man the legs got tired.

Got home and rode with Erik, John, and Lisa. Did the loop we took you on and didn't go up Story Hill but rode over to where my parents live. Then did a south of town loop. Rode for exactly 2.5 hours.

Was starting to not feel well after this ride. Got home and my nose got stuffed up. Think I'm getting sick.

Monday 2-6-12
Slept really long and well last night. Woke up feeling better than when I went to bed. Had a sore throat. That had gone away. However, as the day goes on I am feeling worse not better. Going to skip the run.

Questions: Oliver or the Desert Half? If I do Oliver I would have a better chance at my goal race time. The Desert Half is up that climb. Other thoughts are that the Desert Half is July 8th and then the Bozeman Half is July 29th. Pretty close together. I could spend the 4th weekend doing some hard training without all the travel ect. If I went in June it would be more relaxed.

Thoughts: I really think that stress and anxiety make me sick. This weekend was great and the clinics were great, but my poor management and working so much pushed me over the top. Better planning!! No big work days when other stuff is going on, or else I need to recruit help to manage it all.

I sort of made a last minute decision to go visit my parents in Phoenix this weekend. Leave on Friday at 5:30pm and get in late on Monday. Leave there at 7pm. They have a roughly 25 yard pool in their little complex with a line on the bottom for swimming laps. The water is kindof warm but its so nice to swim outside. I will also bring my running shoes. My Dad likes to hike so that might be an adventure one day?

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