
12-7 thru 12-13

Wed.- Pilates. This was the start to my week of feeling off. Work led me to be late to class. Running everywhere. Class wasn't as hard as the week before. Probably won't like this class much in a few weeks. I think I ran at noon on the treadmill. It was a great run.

Did the swim workout you gave me. Felt good. I like the short pool sometimes. A 50 meter pool is way longer than a 25 yard pool if you get what I mean.

Again hectic. Ran on the treadmill before Oula. Went to Oula but left a little early to get to the Masters Christmas party and was even late for that.

Sat. Have started to come down with another cold. Ran some Christmas errands and then skate skied up Bozeman Creek. Went to the bridge which is about 5 miles in. Tried to blow out the system on some of the steeper uphills. Fast coming down. Was fun. No so much of an adventure, but better than nothing.

Master's swim. Swim was good, got in ~2800 in the practice. Got worked hard. I am the slow one in the lane and chase people around. Think it is better to have the people than swim in the next slower lane that doesn't have the fun people. If I get in their draft I can keep up. Not feeling good later though. Chilled and achy. Hung out with our Korean friends in town. Then went home and stayed there. Didn't get the ride in.

Too hectic of a week. Need to be better organized and not do social stuff every night. Also, I think work suffers. I like to do my job well.

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