
Build 2-2 16.5 hours

Sick, sick, and sick. My cough has turned into a full blown bacterial infection. Go to doctor tomorrow

Got antibiotics and on doctors orders I have to take a few days off. I think I am going to scoot this build week down a few days and then take off a few days to rest for the Grizzly oh and the Roubaix.

Transition practice with Claire and Mary. We got our bikes and a transition area all set up then rode a short ride and did a 15 minute run.

Hmm not sure. This week I was going between feeling crappy and not. Oh yeah, went to trainer night with the girls at Angies work. Rode 1 hr. Then went and bought new running shoes. Still not feeling up to a big workout block.

Run. Ran uphill into the wind at around threshold for about 15 minutes. When I got home I was coughing so bad a was gagging. Still not feeling good and the cold air isn't helping my lungs either.

Snowing out. The snow is horizontal. Computrainer with the Tritons. Rode for 1hr at tempo. Also rode for 20 minutes doing criss cross efforts. Cross over from high zone 4 to zone 5a 2 minutes each. I was pretty bonked after this workout. Went home and crawled into bed.
2:30 total time

Easter. Spent the day with the fam. Went to Bear Trap and ran up to the end where the creek crosses. Jenny and I did some jumping push up things and some core work. Then ran and walked back with Jenny and Dad.
Still not feeling super. Wish this cough would just go away. The cold air is not helping at all.


Build 1-1 16.5 hrs

Starting build phase. Less hours but higher intensity workouts.

Lifted and core at gym before swim

Master's swim- the state meet is this weekend so we practiced lots of turns etc. Tried to really get after it when I could

Total time 2:30

Decided to go to Computrainer. Laurie was the coach and I was the only one there. Had a great workout with her.
15 minutes warm up
5 easy
5 spin ups
5 moderate effort
5x4 minute hard efforts with the last minute in zone 5b (this was hard)
15 minute cool down
Rode to and from workout

Did a track woroout at lunch. 5x800. It took me about 3:30 to get around the track.
Met Mary, Claire, and Karin after work at the swim center.
Swam 1000
bikes 13 miles
ran 2
Great Grizzly practice!!! Plus fun to do it with people.
3:30 total time today

Legs are tired from yesterday
Went to gym and did plyos and core.

400 swim
300 pull
2x500 1 swim and 1 pull
2x400 1 swim and 1 pull
100 cool down

The Speedwagon Classic!!!
This was by far the hardest road race I have ever done. I am not sure if it was because I felt like I had no spring in my pedal stroke or if I didn't have the spring because it was such a hard race. Fifty five miles and 90% on gravel. I would get some speed going down a hill that had some hard packed dirt and then at the bottom I would slide out a little and lose all my speed to get up the next hill. When we hit pavement at the turnaround for a few miles it felt sooooo good. Then there was the finish. About 3-4-5 miles up a hill. I kept looking at the top and thinking it can't really end way up there. I bet the finish is at the top of this little rise. Nope, it was at the very top of that mountain. The thing that I didn't like was that we kept riding by that mountain so you were always reminded of the fun to come. After quitting at Belt last year and knowing how I felt I could not let myself quit, oh how I wanted to so many times.
Polson has a great crowd with friendly people and good cyclists. To say that about the race coordinator Matt Seeley is an understatement. I can't wait for the race next year!! I guess that they are going to keep making it a little different.

Went on an endurance run around the Horn farm. Took Haas who is such a good runner.


Base 3-4 9hrs rest week

Nothing, exhausted from the weekend.

Rode for about 1:15. Rode pretty easy.

Easy walk and run
Master's swim- swimming was fun. We dove off the block and swam to the other side. We then got out and walked back to the next block and dove in again. We did that for about 30 minutes.

Biked with Angie and Amy. Total ride time was about 1:15. Then met Lizzie for flight night.

Nothing. Was going to run, but got caught up at Insty Prints getting posters for SWAP printed.

Training race!!! Rode about 85 miles. It was a long day.

Nothing. Went to Chico with Lizzie, Johnny, Jack, and Ruby. Erik decided we needed to continue our rest week the best we could.

Total 8.5


Base 3-3 19.0 hours. Final big base week!!!

Master's swim
200 swim
200 kick on back
x2 100 kick
100 pull
x3 50fly
50 free
50kick on back
12X15 breath 3,5,7,9,7,5,3,5,7,9,7,9
Jordan decided to coach my fly and my land mate kept talking. Wasn't the most productive swimming practice. Felt good on the hypoxic swim though. Actually got in a couple of 9s.

Erik and I went on a ride at lunch. Went out to Triple Tree and did 4-6 minute intervals. The last one my legs were definitely burning.
It was Toris birthday so we went up to my parents house and had dinner with her, Shane, Aunt Marlene, and Marshal. I wish I could have had an evening of training, but we do have to hang out with family sometimes. The 19 hours is going to be tough this week.
Sidenote: My ankles have been really sore lately. I think it is from running on trails. I have been icing and elevating them. Hopefully the pain goes away soon.

Tempo ride in a spinning class at the gym.
Run and some plyos with the dogs after work. The plyos really hurt my ankles so I think I will stick with weights for a few more weeks.
Master's swim
3-50 descend 1-3
12x50 starting in the middle of the pool 3x each stroke
4x100 on 2:05
2x200 0n 4:10
Total time today 3:15

Had to work kind of late and then had a RPAB meeting. Didn't get anything done but walk the dogs

Had to be at work by 6am and back to work at 8:30pm. This made for a long day.
Did a good swim at lunch
300 swim
3x50 descend 1-3
1000 timed- 18:30
100 cool down

Took the dogs on a walk and did a little running. Ran for about 15 minutes and then did a couple of hard efforts to get ready for racing tomorrow. First race since November. I am kind of excited, and nervous.
Total: 2hrs

Run to the Pub. I can't say my performance was stellar. In fact I am pretty disappointed in my run. Of course Jenny beat my by a lot. My time was 1:50 something. Didn't reach my goal of 1:45. I was running at threshold the whole time though. Also I cramped up at mile 8 just like the Dublin marathon. WTF!!!!! I need to figure this out. I guess my excuses are that I am at the end of a big trainng block after being sick. It was my first huge hard effort on the run of the season. Hopefully it gets better.

Waiting for the roads to dry out a little to get in a nice long easy spin on the bike. My legs hurt from yesterday.
Rode out to meet Rich, Marta, Erik, and Phil on River Rd. We rode on River Rd, over to the mouth of Gallatin Canyon, back on Gooch Hill. Lots of stops and lots of spinning. I initially felt I didn't have much in me, but rode for 4.5 hours.

Didn't get my training goal in this week. That always bugs me, but did have lots of higher intensity riding and running and swimming.

Total 15.25


Base 3-2 17.5 hours

Not sure if I am going to get in the whole 17.5 hours. Still a little tired and am coughing. Need to take it easy for a little longer.

Lifted- added lunges which I hadn't been doing. Really sore butt the next day. Did some core work too.
Masters swim
400 free
200IM kick
Had to call it quits because we had a Muleterrro meeting.
Not to bad yardage though 1700. I thought I was being a slacker. Had to keep stopping so I could cough.

Rode at lunch. Warm up. 45 minute tempo. Cool down
Ran easy after work. Had the dogs and picked up the Roxinator for her visit this week.

Wasn't feeling to good. Went home a little early and took the dogs on a walk. I think my nose won't stop draining and it is making my stomach and my head feel abnormal.
Masters swim
400 swim
3-50 descent
3- 50 kick (dolphin, breast, flutter)
100 swim in various forms, IM, negative split, breath 3 and 5
50 kick of various kicks
4X25 off the block in various forms IM and free
100 cool down
This workout was hard. We had to get out of the pool and dive off the block 18 times. I was pooped when it was done. It is amazing how one week out of the pool is so hard.

Went home in the afternoon and did a run. Did a 30 minute tempo and some strides. I think I want to get a new pair of running shoes that aren't so stiff. I will keep mine for trails but get something else for roads.
Total time 1:10
Went to trainer night with Angie, Megan, and Anna. We rode at the gym for about an hour. My heartrate was in zone 3. I wonder if I am still sick and it is keeping it up there.
Total time 2:20

Lifted at gym at lunch
Took dogs up Drinking Horse Mountain after work. Ran up and down. Good high intensity run.

Took dogs out to Bear Trap. Ran at tempo for 30 minutes up and 30 minutes back. With warm up etc. the run was about 1:40. Ran past Bear Trap Creek a little ways. It is difficult back there. Not many go that far. Felt really strong on the way out, but was pretty tired coming back.
Met up with Sten and Erik who rode out and met me. Then we had a nice soak at the hot springs.

Erik and I met Rich, Marta, Bob, Sten, and a couple of other guys from Butte out at Pipestone. We started out slowly stopping to talk at every intersection and me to hike my bike through some technical downhill and uphill, but ended up really pushing it up some hills when we got out of the mud. Even did some railroad track riding. What a great day!!!!!
about 17 hrs this week.