
Week of January 19


Skate skied to the bridge at Bozeman Creek. 6-all out efforts up the steepest hill. Took it easy on the way down. 2 hours.

Master's swim- there was only a lifeguard for half an hour. Swam ~1200m.

Total time 2:30


Ran up Bozeman Creek to outhouse with Justin. Ran hard. 1hour

Weights at gym
squats with weight- 3x20
lat pull down-40lbs-3x20
step-ups with weight-3x20 each leg

sit ups on decline-3x20
hamstrings 55lbs-3x20
core-5 minutes


total time: 1:45


Trainer night - 5-1 minute single leg drills on each leg. 3-5 minute hard efforts (will work up to 15 minute efforts). Otherwise, nice fun ride with the ladies.

Total time: 1:20

Commuted to work. Rode hard home and rode to gym. Forgot to bring lock so rode hard home again.

Double spin night. Second class was hard (lots of buring legs).
Time 1:30

Legs were tired from all the riding. Only did arms and core.
Time :30

Total time: 2 hours

Rest day
Yoga at gym

Skied at Lone mountain with Jenny, Amy, and Rob. Made it to "the summit" and did the lollipop. Our goal was 4 hours and we added 4 minutes to that. Afterwards we ate Thai. What a great day.
Zones 2-5
Total time 4:04

We had our party Sat. night and brrrr the weather is cold out there. Not too motivated to day, so I will go to the gym.
Run on treadmill-Endurance run 60+ minutes. At every 10 minute increment I added an incline to the treadmill to make the effort a little harder. Started out at 3 minutes, then 4, then 5 and went back down to 4 and 3. Effort 2-3.

Weights-Didn't do complete workout. I was tired from Sat.
Squats with 20 lbs on bar- 3x12
Lat pull down-40lbs-3x20
Rowing(?)can't remember the real term-3x20
bench press-3x20
worked on core for about 15 minutes

Total time: 2hours

Total weekly time: 14:30 (I felt like it took a lot of work this week to get in those hours. I think I need to be more diligent during the week to get more in. For example Wed. could have been 2 hours) Next week is an easier week. Yeah!

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