
34.5 weeks

It is New Years Eve and I just read a Facebook post reflecting on the year which got me thinking. I have to say 2015 probably wasn't my best year. We spent January and February and maybe some of March finishing the house and moving, which I did not call fun. I went to St. George and had a terrible race, had to find a new job because my old boss went to another school. I did put on a successful Bobca Triathlon to only have those fuckers and the institution of MSU take it away.   I also got pregnant in May, so a lot of the year was spent with a lot of thought of this little creature growing inside of me.

Upon this reflection I need to make a more positive spin. (give me a break, I have been home sick for almost a week) In February we finished our beautiful house. I love my house! I suspect we will be here for a long time. I then got pregnant . It only took a couple of months and then bam, my life changed FOREVER. I have now been spending the last 8 months incubating a life inside of me and really that has been an experience that has been worth it. I was also able to gravel with amazing friends to triathlons, even if ,y races didn't go well or I didn't race at all. I got to spend some time at the beach with my Mom and another time on a nice trip with my husband. My new job is much better than the old one and although it keeps making uncomfortable, at the end of the day I feel rewarded.

I am excited for 2016 and what the year brings. Ivan will decide to join us in our beautiful new home here in the next few weeks. I am nervous and excited to meet him. We will never go back to our old way of life but I am pretty certain that the new way will be more fulfiling. I am excited to be able to go running outside. I want to do intervals on the bike and some good solid track workouts. Feel the gasping breath and blood in my mouth again. Oh, and to drink a full adult beverage will be nice. Maybe take a trip and get Ivan used to plane travel at a young age.

Here is to 2016. The best year yet.

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