
heading into St. George

I have been thinking a lot about how to approach St. George. The last time I did it I had been sick and wasn't 100% prepared. This year I wasn't sick but feel like this race is early and since it was snowing on my ride yesterday maybe don't have as much solid training under my belt as say Calgary, last year. Also, that race is hard. The are steep hills on the bike And run.

This is what I am thinking. Tell me your insight. Swim hard. Build in 3rds which works since there are two turns. Warmup/pace/race. This works for me mentally. I feel fortunate on the ride because I usually feel crappy right away on the bike. This course affords me a little time to settle in. I don't think I am going to try to ride super hard at the hills. Stay within myself . Hills will be hard enough. Sort of save myself for the run. On the run try and push it. Don't hold back, but don't blow up either. Especially push the second half of the run.

Bike: bottles with 3+ hours of calories and electrolytes in them. A couple extra gels and maybe a snickers bar just in case.

RUN: a package of shot blocks to carry. Get water and more food on course.

What do you think?

The week
Saturday- swam some of those 25 fasts on 15 seconds. Think I am obtaining a new idea for what fast is. Ran with my sister. I can't believe it. She had a whole big story to spew so I chased her around and listened. She runs fast when she gets excited.

Sunday- Rode in the rain and snow with Jo. I was tired. It was a little alarming.

Monday- Tired. Couldn't sleep on Sunday night. Not sure why. I was tired after my exercising on Sunday and spent the rest of the day puttering doing little projects and packing. Excited for a short swim! A swim that nearly made me throw up on that 400 fast/easy. Why the short FAST?

Schedule- Just a heads up. I really need to see my grandma. I have really neglected her and I don't want to look back and wish I had spent more time with her. So, the weekend after St. George I am going to Billings for the weekend and I don't want to plan much other than just hang out with her. I do like to run in Laurel, so that would be okay, but not much else.

Camp logisitics/thoughts/reality
I was so excited to do this Camp. I still am, just a little bit disappointed. I thought the whole Bozeman community would jump on the amazing opportunity. I would bring together all the triathletes here and we would all get to know each other and grow each other and the sport of triathlon. I used to think the scene in Bozeman was small because we needed something to unify us.  I am not so sure now. I think there is no scene here because nobody wants to be part of it. I guess my enthusiasm for the sport isnt as widespread as I thought and just looking locally to find people isnt enough to grow the commeraderie.

So honestly. The people coming to camp are these people I was hoping for above. There are just fewer than I was hoping for. It is going to be really cool to see how we all work together for the weekend.

What do you vision for Friday and Saturday evening? A lecture with you standing or all of us sitting in a circle having a good discussion? I had reserved Erik's office those evenings but that fell through. Annoying story. I am thinking we just do everything at our house. I envision the evening more casual. We will be tired.  It would be nice to have couches etc to sit on and if the weather is nice it would be great to use the deck. Further, it might make it easir logistically. People can leave bikes here etc.

I have an indoor area reserved for Saturday in case the weather sucks. What do you need for a transition clinic? What kind of space?

Thanks for the rant. I have been so grouchy the last week or so. Hope it goes away for St George.

      PT on the deck. My husband is pretty much amazing.

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