

The biggest thing that happened this weekend is that we MOVED! I can't believe it. Feeling very emotional about the whole thing. It isn't all over yet but so close. Thank you so much for working with me on this for months and months.

I did work pretty hard leading into the weekend and feel pretty good about training. A few examples with comments are listed below.

1- swim on own with 12x100 at a 1k pace. My goal is to do these on 1:25. I definitely can hold a 1:30 but keep hitting a 1:27 or so. Also, glad to get back to my own swims. I feel better with them being more focused.

2- 1 hr swim should be on the calendar every year. It is great for my confidence. I swam 1hr strong. I can swim St. George. No problem!

3- Friday run. At first I was tired and didn't feel like doing it. Also, it is important to have a good place to run for 10 minutes. That is a long distance and it is so icy out. So, I came up with a route. It is this big square from campus that is all right hand turns, on good big sidewalks or bike paths, and isn't hilly(minus the general uphills and downhills) I see college kids ( cross country) running there often. 

So route was great. Felt really good. My hamstring is doing good. I can still feel it, but need to get a bike fit ASAP. It doesn't feel like it is limiting me like it was last year.  Also, have Chiro appt tomorrow where I am going to talk more about appropriate PT.

Schedule- leave for San Jose early Sunday morning. I wouldn't mind spending the day Sunday doing a long run and/or swimming. Still am working out pools, transportation etc. Haven't had enough time.

Am in San Jose through the following Sunday afternoon. Getting a hotel for Friday and Saturday night with a 25 yard pool! Outside!

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