
Feeling the light

It is starting to be lighter in the evenings and in the mornings. It feels good.

200 SKIPS (1000 total)
4x75 kick/drill/swim by 25
4x100 on 2:10
3x100 on 2:05
2x100 on 2:00
1x100 FAST
100 easy
300kick (person in back kicks around to the front on 50. We didn't do this very well. Good 300 cool down)

Thursday- Missed swim. Went over to house to oil table and ended up cleaning up and tending to tasks until 8:30. We had an appraiser there on Friday so this was probably time well spent. I was annoyed to miss it though. Had a very stressful day at work and was really looking forward to the monotony and regimen.

400IM (I got there a little late and missed all the IM)
200 kick(didn't kick either, needed the whole 600 swim to warm up, feeling sore)
8x50 from middle of pool practicing turns. Evens free, odds IM order
4x250 with the 200 free and the 50 IM order fast (Shotgun start. Start when last person hits wall. This really sucks for me because I suck at IM and never get a rest. Might as well been a 1000 continuous)
8x100 swim on the 1:45 leave on the 2:15

Note: I might be getting more interested in only swimming with Masters one day a week or so. Sunday sort of got me mad for various reasons. I would also maybe like to get back in the pool a couple more times a week. Feel like swimming is going good but afraid to lose anything. ( I am about to rant, so reading the next paragraph is optional)  #1- The coach assumes everybody knows how to swim like they grew up on a swim team. I have a hard time with back stroke turns and was asking about how to do them. She said "just push off the wall." and then laughed. Had no helpful hints for a beginner. #2- those effing shotgun starts. With IM everybody waits on the wall for me and then goes. I get a 5 second breather. This week Audrey was even starting again before everybody got to the wall. I like specific intervals. Either swim on a certain time or rest on a certain time. #3- Don't be a coach if you either don't want to be one, or can't do it very well.

Notable items/comments/questions:

I think I picked up some stomach bug when we ate out on Friday night. Saturday I got up to ski with William and my stomach was very crampy and I was very tired. Had a hard time rallying while skiing and wanted to curl up and take a nap when I got home. Worked on the house and then laid on the couch under a blanket in the evening. Felt super shitty. Stomach hurt, a little fever, achy. Didn't sleep that night  well but went to swimming on Sunday, did the run, worked on the house, and rode the rollers. Tired but stomach was feeling better. Finally slept better halfway into the night on Sunday. Feeling better on Monday but still stomach is a little crampy.

Ski on Saturday- Besides being tired and stomach feeling weird we had a really good ski. Got in 30km and all the way up to Moser. It is a pretty tough uphill for half of it. Had a stupid little fall on the way down and my right shoulder got yanked. I think it is okay, but it is very sore. Can't do double arm backstroke and the muscles are very tender.

I think (not for sure) we might actually be moving in this weekend! So, can I have a few days off? Or better yet, an optional checklist. If we don't move in I will ski with William on Saturday. Sunday is the One Hour Swim at Masters. Is a one hour time trial something good for me right now? If you think so, and we aren't moving I will do it.

Ended up working Monday and am taking Tuesday off. It didn't work out with my experiments to be at the house and work on Tuesday. Am going home now to do the bike workout. Looks tough.

Schedule- Work is busy this week, but nothing out of control. I won't have any big mouse experiments for a couple of weeks. I already asked about the weekend above.

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