

July 4th. http://www.bangtaildivide.com/  I admire that they will have a race on July 4. Nobody does that. I would like to put this on my calendar.

30 minute swim- This was hard and I learned a lot. I swam in a lane with a friend who is a go getter. She played golf for Stanford which I think says a lot about her. Historically she is faster than me and often more driven at practice. (some days I am just tired and hitting those intervals etc is hard) Anyway, we swam neck and neck almost the whole 30 minutes. My own plan was to start out slower and build every 10 minutes. Sort of like what I have done in races. I was fine the first 10 minutes. Felt really good actually. Then when I tried to go faster it lasted about 3 laps and I blew up. I stayed with Audrey for most of it and she pulled ahead the last couple of minutes. But just a couple of yards. Anyway, I had a counter and she said when I blew up I lost my kick and my form went to shit. I started wiggling. So, I am very excited to have done this little test. A- it was a TT and I gave it my all and was super tired the rest of the day B- My form breaks down when I get tired. Especially my kick. I honestly had no idea. Now I have something to work on. We swam 1650. I swear we were on track for 1750 and something got miscounted but that is another story.
Lots of good workouts. Swim on Friday was hard but good.
Note:  Two long workouts on Friday don't work out well. I didn't ride on Friday because I just didn't have time during the day to swim and ride. I wouldn't have gotten any work done. We have lab meeting from 3-5 which doesn't help anything either. Felt bad about not getting out. Also was exhausted.

Other week highlights- Thursday ride (is that when that was?) Good and  hard. I really liked that ride actually. I felt like the high cadence and then the easier intervals really built into the hard intervals. My legs felt better doing those 20k pace intervals than the previous couple of harder rides. 

Health- Had a great appointment with the Chiropractor on Tuesday. I sat me down to talk to me about everything we went over and outlined the plan for getting me better. Let me ask a lot of questions. Basically, I have 8-10 visits with him and then he sends me to a PT who works in his office. He breaks me down and gets me adjusted correctly. She helps me build the form to keep it that way. Come to find out at my next appointment that we graduated in the same High School class at Bozeman High School. It was weird. Changed the dynamic for a few minutes. I am feeling pretty good running. Better than I have in a long time. Think I should stick with his plan. 

Schedule- Not a lot going on with work. At least until next week which is Christmas. We are here this weekend. Working on the house. Hopefully finishing off tiling. I am going to grout and finish the house bathroom today. Hopefully my arms don't fall off. That is a hard job.( Very sore when finished BTW)

MSU- pool closed on weekends until the middle of January. Also, gym not open much on weekends and closes at 7pm during the weekday. 

Masters- I think that will be as normal except Christmas and New Year's day which are on Thursdays. 

Okay, not a lot. Been super busy with trying to get tiling done this week. 

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