

I had a date with my rollers and yoga mat for the last 2.5 hours of Kona when the pros finished. I busted out 1:45 on the rollers like it was :15.  So, so, so inspired by Ben Hoffman's race. I can't even express it. So happy for him and so happy for you. Something tells me you knew he was going to have a great race. Ben getting 2nd was definitely the highlight of the race but watching everybody was so inspiring. Mirindae Carafrae- damn that girl can run! 

Masters. Lots of stroke work. In December they are having the 500 fly challenge. I know I won't be able to do a 500 but it has motivated me to work on it. I did a 100 the other day (in the 50m pool). Almost all full on fly. Only a few strokes of one arm as people went the other way.

Had a good run on Sunday too. Went up Sypes and ran all the way to where the trail splits. It is steep and I don't think I have ever run all the way up.

General- Trying to stick to the plan and do the highlighted items. Moved them around a couple of times but I think I got in all the important stuff.

Went to Urgent Care last week after talking to you. Got antibiotics. Glad I went. Finally feeling normal. Have more energy and more importantly- motivation. So, basically health is good.

Had a great PT appointment with Jason. He thinks my left hamstring is a sciatica issue. Gave me some stretches and strength work. Lots of core too. Did the full PT routine on Friday and it took me about 45 minutes to get most of it done. I want to try and stick to it, or at least some of it every day, so that I can get better balanced and stronger. My run on Sunday was pretty nuisance free. 


Raining today (Sunday) so going to work for a little bit to start an experiment. Will take down on Friday which will be a big/long day. I have a 4 hour incubation. Then work a little on Saturday. Gives me time to paint tomorrow.

No Helena racing next weekend- we have to get a bunch of outside painting done. That is, unless, it rains again and then I might try and go on Sunday. Definitely not Saturday, because of work.  That leaves a lot of analyzing for the following week. 

Monday October 20th. We have another post doc interview. Haven't gotten any details yet, but probably includes a talk in the morning and dinner in the evening. This is usually at 530 or 6 so not much time in the evening. 

I signed up for Victoria 70.3. If you signed up before the 9th you got in a drawing for a new bike. I wouldn't mind a new bike or the money from selling it. Lawrence signed up too, so I am excited. Erik and I honeymooned on Vancouver Island by doing a bike tour. We got really lucky with traffic and had some amazing riding and other fun experiences. Looking at the maps of the course I think I can envision the bike ride, a little bit. We stayed at a campground out by the far corner of the loop. Also, from riding there, I know the terrain. Hilly. Anyway, our anniversary is June 19th. So I hope Erik goes and maybe we can spend a few more days there. My Grandpa was born in Ladysmith. I have even gone as far as asking a cousin who has done a lot of family research about it, and my chances of getting Canadian citizenship. Anyway. The point is that I signed up for Victoria. What do you think the dynamic of the race will be since there is no pro purse prize? Will it change anything for the age groupers. It sort of makes we want to have high expectations for myself. 

My current thoughts on triathlon and schedule etc for next year are and I want to qualify this by saying I was having these thought while I was trying to practice cornering on my cyclocross bike. I would like to race triathlon up until late July or mid August. I could do some local races later (Bobcat, Garden City), but would like to get out on the mountain bike a little more in late summer. Get in some long rides in the mountains. Mostly for the adventure, but also the bike handling. I can tell my cross racing is suffering because I have lost my bike handling skills. Then I would like to focus more on cross, not just use my fitness from triathlon to get me by. 

A few of my other thoughts are that I would like to race St. George again. I liked that race. The swim and ride were so nice. Which makes me think that I would like to go on spring break and train. Either in St. George or in San Diego. I was really wanting to swim in the ocean again, while watching Kona yesterday. 

Also, of course, there is the Grizzly. My swim time is going to go down again this year. 

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