

Schedule- Not much going on other than the regular work day for the next week or so. Also, not much to do with the house for the next week or so. My parents are going on vacation for the week. Have a meeting for the Bobcat with an MSU person on Wednesday (6/4) at 2:30 and a PT appointment on Wed. They don't appear to change anything for that day though

PT- Getting bike fit today. Got new cleats so need to get lined out again. Jason made me. Also, my right ankle has been sore and got really bad after a PT session last week. Will figure that out with Jason this week too. I think it is all attributed to my old shoes but we will see. My foot is feeling better. Will talk with Jason more about all of that on Wed.
Update: Bike fit was a way better thing than I had anticipated. We made a lot of changes. It felt much better in just the little time I was on the bike. Tomorrow's TT will be a good test. This might be good for my SI joint problem too.

Bobcat questions- Do you guys have a couple digital clocks? They are harder to find than I thought. Also, I need to talk to the kids about this, but I am thinking I need to establish a payment for me for the Bobcat. I was thinking a certain percentage gross income. That way as the race grows so does my income. Do you know if there are guidelines out there for something like this. Such as a Realtor makes 7% on sales. I was thinking 10%. Too much too little?

Random question- My Grizzly jersey is to big. I usually get medium but these were larger. Are there any smaller ones that I could trade my medium for?  I haven't worn it.

Week highlights-

Wednesday's ride- Got in a good workout before work. Found a good little loop to do those lengths of intervals on and it is on the Bobcat course. Win/win. Pushed the intervals hard. Was sore the next day.

Friday's swim. That was the strangest swim I have done that was written by you. It got hard though. The 600 at the end took a lot out of me.

Saturday's ride- 80 miles and lots of hills. We had a good day. Avoided all the bad weather and even had some favorable wind. I went hard. Really pushed it over the climbs, blew my self up even. Did a post ride run. It's funny how I dread those all day and then they get over with so fast.

Week's lowlights-
Thursday- I was dying. So tired. Ran flow in the other building and think there is less air flow or something in the air over there. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed. Didn't do the ride that day. Did ride around town a bit and drop off race fliers and then go over to the house and swept a bit. Then Erik's friend showed up with no notice (like usual) and we rode downtown and had dinner with him. Some riding but not dedicated. I hate doing that. It makes me feel unaccomplished.

Sunday- Randomly rainy all day. Woke up to heavy clouds and rain. Went to Masters. Didn't have the mental strength to swim outside. It cleared up a bit so I decided to combine morel hunting with a bike ride. Went outside lots of clouds were coming in. Rode for a while but mushroom hunting and bike riding don't go together. Crashed/toppled over and whacked my shin on my bike. Hurts. Hurt really bad for a couple of minutes. Decided the clouds and rain were too much for me to deal with. It wasn't warm either. A cold breeze. Went home and rode the rollers for an hour. Again, feel unaccomplished.

Cooking dinner on Sunday I open a can and cut myself really bad on the jagged edge. Sliced my finger open. It hurts really bad too. Woke up on Monday and got all dizzy trying to change the bandage and felt like I was going to pass out if I didn't lay down. Called in sick for the morning and went back to bed. Slept another hour or so and feel much better to rally for the day.

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