
Beautiful life

So, not that I have made some progress in my swim fitness and speed I have another worry that needs to be addressed. The open water swim. I am worried that my new fitness will not trump my fear of the chaos at the start. Pep talk? Advice? How to practice for this? Probably not for Wasa Lake but for Calgary I would like to feel more confident.

I think I want to do Wasa Lake. It looks like fun and the timing is good. Well maybe not good, but it replaces what would have been a weekend up in Kailspell.

Schedule- Thursday and Friday I have an experiment, so kind of busy. Especially in the morning to mid-afternoon. If anything maybe a small run during the day. Not a huge day, but solid.
Sunday- Mother's Day- Need to get done with training by early evening/later afternoon. My sister and I were going to take Mom to dinner (the parents like to eat early).
Pool- MSU is only open from 10-12 on Saturday for the rest of the summer. No pool time on Sunday. My swim friend might still be renting the pool which would give me another hour, but not sure. So, only two hour swim window.

Tuesday- Track workout. Stayed within the interval and felt as smooth on 12 as on 3. It wasn't easy though. 12 of those is a lot of fast running. I guess that is the partial beauty of the group workout. They are getting pretty big, so there is always somebody to run with. I got Andy. A whole other story.

Took advantage of the glorious day and left work at 2:30. Did the ride, the run, and even the swim basking in the glorious sunshine!! :)

Followed the directions pretty close. Not as amazing as Thursday. Work was a little anxious plus family in town etc. made the day a little stressful. This is terrible to say, but it was kind of warm and dry out. I think it was 70 and maybe too much for me. :)

Saturday-  Swim was great. Continually amazed at how much more I like your workouts than others. Even in the 100m pool.
Run was executed exactly as prescribed. Legs not super tired but I was. Erik was surprised I hadn't made him dinner.

Sunday- Another glorious day. Ride was executed as prescribed. Lots of climbing. One side of Kelly Canyon is super steep. Wouldn't mind do a few of those climbs at some point. Felt like my lungs were the limiter. Perfect temperature though. I could keep this temperature all year round.
Didn't get the swim done. Masters was cancelled for a clinic. MSU was closed. Boo.

Not a lot to say. Got the week done

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