
On the ball this week

When do you need fliers for the Bobcat to stuff in Grizzly bags? I hopefully will have them this week.

Can I see you this weekend? Food, run, etc. Let me know. I am coming over with Lawrence.

There is a running group Tuesdays 5:30. Good group of runners. Probably Bozeman's better women. Will transition into track workouts as spring gets closer (April 1st). Something to think about? Plan on in the future? The track workouts might be good?

Race question- Do you have some sort of spreadsheet or list of volunteer jobs and how you guys organize volunteers? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if you could help me out. It just isn't super clear to me how to organize it. Where we need to have the most reliable people and how much to expect from them? I would even be curious how you guys "reimburse" volunteers

Bozeman Triathlon registration price goes up on April 1st. Sprint or Olympic? I am leaning towards sprint. The water is going to be cold this year (early in the year and lots of snow). Also, the start for the Olympic is early, 7am.  Sprint will start later. It just seems warmer to start later and I don't want to have to be there at 5:30 am.

Schedule- Actually am having a busy day today and tomorrow (Monday 3/24). Probably won't have another busy day until later next week.

Weeks highs and lows
Tuesday- Sort of a bust. Bike inoperable for riding. Swim 20x50 was main set. Lots of rest and really boring. Who tapers two weeks before a swim meet? Ridiculous.

Wed- Hard/good ride. Made up for bust on Tuesday.

Friday- Swim was deceptively hard. Last four 150s were harder than I thought when looking at the workout.

Saturday- Super nice to sleep in!!! Ride was hard but good. Had four friends to chat with while suffering through those intervals. Or sort of chat with, between gasps.

Sunday- Masters okay. Tapering so workout wasn't very hard or long. Ran with Lawrence, which was nice because it was cold and cloudy out. Not super motivating. Nice to have a chatting buddy. Was tired. Two hours is a long run. Just ran on hilly paved roads. The trails were very slippery. Also ran the super, awesome Bobcat run course. I really hope the City is on board.

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