

Haven't shown you picture of the new speakers or amps lately. Or Mrs. Man or handsome Mr. Man.
Anyway, this stupid thing is on centered justified and cant get it to change. Except I lost the picture of Mr. Man and the amps. Plus the picture got cut off. 

Core, core, and more core.
The exercises I have been doing to help align my SI joint seem to work but not be helping in the long term. The PT is concerned this could be the beginning of a chronic back pain. So now I really need to do core work. 3x a week forever. No slacking in the summer when training is intense. This work is actually going to take some work too. I realized today that maybe with strength and stretching I may be just going through the motions (a little bit anyway). He wants me to be able to hold plank for 2 minutes. I am dying after1 minute. 
Here are core exercises adapted from what I have been doing.
Side plank (both sides)
Lay on stomach on exercise ball and hold a 7lb weight. move up and down holding weight to chest. Move down in 3 seconds hold at top for two. The lowering motion is what will build strength. (3 sets of 15, add weight when that gets easy)
Lay on back and do bicycle, except go slow and reach right hand for right knee and Left hand for right ankle. Dont grab knee or ankle, just touch. It is a pilates thing. Get up to being able to do 50 on each side. I only did 20 and was tired.

My birthday is Tuesday. Have something fun in store? I was thinking of taking off the afternoon. I have an experiment to do on Monday and will probably stay late to finish it, so that I don't have to work so much on Tuesday (so something in the evening on Monday would be best).  Will probably go out to lunch with my sister and mom.An adventure bike ride in the afternoon would be fun?  Then I hope Erik makes me Pho. 

We are going to be here for Thanksgiving. Can I do the Huffing for Stuffing? Can I? Can I? What do you think 5 or 10k? 
I think I mention this somewhere else, but I think a Thursday Master's swim would be good. 

Swam wwith my friend Katie. She swam in high school and college and is really fast. She showed me a really cool drill where you start in fetal position floating in water, you extend your arms and legs, start to kick, and then put in the arms. If gives me a really good feel for the water and being balanced. Further she said that I need to push out my chest more. I am rounding my back a lot. When I did this I felt so much better. My shoulders opened up for a cleaner rotation. Her tip for the day was to think plank. I lose the plank when I breath. 

Arms are getting a bit tired and I am starting to have a taste of being in the water often. The MSU pool is cold and I don't much like the first 100, especially if I'm cold to begin with. Maybe as this continues 2x a week with Masters might be better. The Swim Center is also much warmer. 

Had a very late morning. This weeks time change was killing me. Super tired. Did a whole bunch of stuff around the house. Cleaning and getting organized. Rode the recycling on the trailer to be dropped off. I thought it was fun. Then did a ride around town. Probably 1:30 or so. 

Swim was great! I went for it and stayed on the toes of people in my lane. Didn't think to much about form. Just swam. Kind of a good break from all the thinking. Went on a steep hike/run with Lawrence. Then met with Matt Parks about triathlon in Bozeman. He is on the same page. More than would have thought. Good things for Bozeman/Montana triathlon and races

Rode around at lunch. It was such a beautiful day. Got so overheated in the clothes I had on. 
Swam after work. Good swim. Still stop doing catch up and breathing on my left side. Katie said it looked like I wasn't getting in a very good rotation when I went to breath. 

I love running. Enough said. 

I will get the swim in, the bike however, might be a bit of a bust. I haven't put together the TT bike after Madison yet. Isn't that sad? Then yesterday I was thinking about this and can't for the life of me remember where the pedals are. I have a one set for the TT bike and the road bike that I have to change over and neither are containing pedals.  I might have to spend the 30-45 minutes tonight looking. 

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