
Losing My Marbles

This was quite the week. I felt really disorganized with training, work, and life. I think that one multifaceted problem is that I am working on a project with an undergrad  in the lab. My first problem is that she is going to be first author on the paper and I do all the work. The second and actually probably the more prominent problem is that I try to accommodate her schedule to much. It keeps putting me in a bind and then I get annoyed with her and crabby with her for putting me out. For the next experiment, she is going to plan it out, she can ask me if I can help, if I can't she will have to adjust her experiment or ask somebody else for help. I don't have the patience or the flexibility to let a snotty 21 year old walk all over me.

Okay, now for gfit. the gym at MSU has pretty much everything gfit related. Kettle bells, a hanging bar, a machine to do assisted pull-ups, exercise balls, medicine balls (and walls to throw them at), big to small boxes to jump on, all the other weight equipment, and hmmm what else important. You will have to ask me.

Also, with gfit. Both days are getting moved to the evening. 5:15 on Tuesday (I hope, since I have seminar until 5) and on Thursday 5pm followed by SPENS(the ski conditioning thing they are doing) in lieu of legs.

So I am thinking that I can do the Thursday one and go to Spenst, except that I am not super interested in it. Or I can do the Thursday gfit on my own at the gym. That would be a lot easier for me to get the run in too. Maybe on the Tuesday gfit, I can run at lunch instead?

I think I need to work on my glutes and hamstrings. At Ironman my glutes got really tired and I notice that if things hurt after gfit it is my ass and my hamstring.

General schedule
Now that gfit has moved to the evenings I think that the schedule will be a bit easier for me to manage. I can get away at lunch most days, it is just hard if getting away has to be at a certain time. The easiest thing for me to do during lunch is run. I am not fixed to any particular time. Swimming is also doable, but the pool is open from 11-1, so like last week my boss decided to go over to campus with us to look at the new lab right at 11. I couldn't say no, and by the time we were done it was to late to get a swim in. Also, swimming can be difficult in the evening. The pool is open from 3-6 and then again at 7:30 or something. That means I have to leave work by ~4:20 to get over and get a 2500 swim done by 6pm. There is room in that schedule, but it is still close. I guess on those days I should come in to work by at least 8:30. I need to make some accommodations for  my schedule too.

New work place
The above being said once the lab moves getting those swims in will be easier. I will be on campus and a quick jaunt over to the gym will be less time consuming than biking or driving there and back. I am actually really looking forward to being on campus for that reason. I don't expect anything else about my schedule will change much.

Okay, now on to the week

gfit- Did the workout you prescribed with my co-worked. Cool workouts because anybody with any fitness level can give them a go. I had a really hard time with the bar. It is really high and I though I was going to fall off doing Rocky style situps. So I just did crunches the next time. Same with the other bar exercise. Next time I might try bringing my bike gloves. So fail on the bar, but everything else was good. Even got in a good run before.

Failed on the swim
Rode the trainer. Felt good to sweat and pedal. My bike was feeling neglected. Even had to use some bike mechanic skills to get it going. Had to take cassette off of one wheel and put it on another. Success!!

Gfit and run. Good session. Cold outside but braved it and ran anyway.

Swim- did the workout. Feel very rested (as far as swimming goes). Maybe that day off was good. Feel strong in the water when I am rested.

My sister came over and she rode our trainer and I rode the rollers. 90 minutes. Again, felt good to pedal and sweat. Only fell off a couple of times. Always a little terrifying.

Had wine club (changed from book club) Saturday night. Got up for swimming but stayed up late the night before and was tired. Had a good workout at the pool. Jamie even had us doing sit ups and push ups. Got in ~2800. Felt good today too. Felt recovered, for once, to have a strong swim.Went home and took a nap. Thought when I get up I will try and run (the try is a key word here). I should have know, I don't do well with naps and usually feel worse getting up than going down. Ended up not running. So again, fail. I don't really feel that bad about it though. Haven't had many lazy days.

Veteran's day- Working to get some comp time for days I want to take off this summer. Am heading over to the gym to run. It is cold out and I am feeling like a wimp. Then later go back over to swim.

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