I was riding with friends the other day and we were talking about training and racing. Ryan said he likes to race but doesn't really like to train. It got me thinking. I think I like to train. I definitely train for a purpose, but racing freaks me out. I was doing my post long ride run the other day. It was supposed to be at IM pace. I was scaring myself thinking I can't run this fast for the whole race. It is really going to hurt and I don't want to hurt that bad. So why can I hurt that bad in training, but am scared to do it in racing? I feel this way about cyclocross too. Sometimes I just can't stand the pressure before the race and think about just letting go. Like last year at Rolling Thunder having Lizzie English on my tail all race just about killed me. I am also reading Apolo Ohno's book and he keeps writing about mental toughness. I just sit there and read it going I can't handle that kind of pressure. So, I am wondering, as a coach if you have ever worked with people on this. How can I get mentally tougher? Have more drive and an actual race situation to go beyond my comfort zone to win or at least pass that one last person in front of me.
Okay, now scheduling. My good friend is getting hitched on Saturday. 3pm is the bike decorating party so I want to be done training that day by then. I was thinking of taking a day off of work this week, if I have to. It would have to be Thursday because I have a huge huge day on Friday. I could also take off part of next Monday, but I would have to come in for at least half of the day.
When would be a good time to get a massage?
OMG. Huge work day. I did not see this one coming. Forgot how long a 5 hour incubation can take and then I had to do a timecourse which meant working every hour on the hour. Didn't get out of work until 8:20pm. So crap. I guess I missed this day too. Went home and did a 30 minute run. It was getting dark so riding was kind of out of the question and my energy level was so low at this point I just called the workout for the day a wash. .
This was kind of a fun day. I got up and got and early start and rode around town. I rode for ~ an hour including a coffee and scone stop. Had a busy day at work so didn't get out at lunch, but got out after work. Stopped on the way and picked up the Advair.
Masters swim. Lots of people in the pool this day. Probably 4-5 per lane. I like it when there are lots of people there. We did a workout like the one you wrote for me a couple of weeks ago, except it was longer. 6x100 on 2:05, 6x100 on 2:00, 6x100 on 1:55, 6x100 on 1:50. I could barely make the 1:55 so only did 4 of them. I liked your workout better. Maybe better catered to my fitness. 6x100 is a lot of swimming and you just get worn out trying to go faster and faster. I think I should have started the interval on 2:15 or something. Anyway, I swam ~2700. Didn't push it too much.
Went to the pool and did the swim. It felt good. Still coughing a little bit.
Post swim run also felt good. My legs are finally starting to come around.
Went up to the parents house after work to see my Grandma and sister. Didn't get home until late and still had to pack and get ready to leave early the next morning. I don't know why I always wear myself out on Fridays.
Flying solo for my bike and run. Erik, John, Lisa and crew did a bike mt bike in the Beaverhead mountains while I rode. Left Jackson, rode to Wisdom, did a little out and back out of Wisdom, and rode up to Lost Trails Pass. Put my bike on the Idaho border sign and rode back. Total ride ~96 miles and total time ~6 hours.My bike computer stopped working then came alive again but was screwy on the MPH, so I don't know ride time, average speed etc. Post ride run was good. Legs had a good turnover and felt pretty good. Met a few people touring on the route I was on. Kept smiling on the run about the interactions. I think this guy told me I was fat. He said I had big legs and asked me if I watched my diet. Ha Ha. Lisa got a kick out of that one.
Met up with the crew and had dinner and soaked at Jackson. Drove up the road a ways and camped out. Didn't get to bed until ~midnight. We were all so tired. Pulled into camp, set up our tents and passed out.
Got up and ran. The crew were up making breakfast and had it ready for me when I got back. Legs and feet were stiff for the start of the run. Took a good 20 minutes to warm up and feel like running. Just ran up the road where we were camping. Nice and quiet. Good run.
Car tire almost blew up on us. Had a hole in it that we didn't know about. Had to put the spare on and drive really slow home. The crew went to bike up Curly Lake and my mission was to drive home and head up to Hyalite. Got home ~4 and was so tired. Still planned on doing entire workout. Loaded up other car and headed up to the lake.
Swim- Good swim. When I first looked at the workout I thought "oh, that is a piece of cake". Then I got to calculating my time and probable distance. You are sneaky. Good workout. Hyalite was nice. The water was cool but not cold and it was pretty clear. The only problem is that there are lots of boats up there and some have motors. It was good practice for my sighting. I was especially glad when I scull almost ran me over. I headed up one direction next to the shore and came back the same way. Coming back there was definitely a wind or current or something because it took a lot more work. Good practice. Hopefully I can get in a couple more swims up there. Way better than the pond.
Run- Fail. Did not get run in. Bought a salad at Rosaeurs, went home and layed on the couch. Went to bed early.
Run- Glad I waited. Had a really good run. Kept a good pace the whole time. Went up South Cottonwood. A pretty gentle slope going up and a gentle downhill down. Run was very therepeutic. Felt really lucky to be in such a beautiful place doing what I am doing.
Looked at the workout this morning. Wow, big day.
Thanks Pascal Beauvais for the sweet photos!!
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