
1-3-12 thru 1-10-11

Tuesday Hmmm. Now I don't even remember what I did here.

Early to work and late at work. Ugh. The late was totally out of my control. Left work around 3 for a little bit and got the 30 minute run in. Then made it to Master's a little late. Got in ~2300 in about an hour. Did a couple of 600's. 200 at 70% and 100 at 90%x2. Plus did a good warm up and some drills. Like Masters and the people there.

Thursday- off

Tired from the week and clinic. Didn't get the run in. Swam after work. Pushed the 250s as hard as I could. Felt strong.

Saturday 1-7-11
Skied with Jenny up Bozeman Creek. We went to the lookout which is about 8+ miles up. Went at a nice steady pace with very few stops. It was cold and we wanted to stay moving to stay warm. Froze on the way down. Chilled to the bone.
Rode the rollers for an hour that evening. The hour rides seem to be going by very quickly

Sunday 1-8-12
Ran. Good run. Stayed on pavement. Trails were very icy. Did the 8-1 minute pickups. Felt good. Felt good until the last 15 minutes or so then started to get a little tired.
Did some yoga, stretching, and plank later that evening. Calves are tight from running. Need to stay on the stretching.

Monday 1-9-12
Swam after work. Felt really good swimming and 2000 goes by pretty painlessly and quickly. Practicing my flip turns and the 1k pace is good.
Question: When you say to kick can I use fins. In the short pool they are not really worth it. I like them in the long pool. Also is kick flutter. Sometimes I like to do a little dolphin. Good for the core.
Still not sure what to do about Master's. Is it worth it to go a few times a week? I like the Sunday swims.
Rode rollers. Only got in 50 minutes but rode to and from work today.

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