
Final Cross week!!

Swam a 1500. Felt really good. Kind of missing the pool. Ran at lunch. It was so nice outside!

Went to the GAS skills practice. We ended up playing capture the flag until it was very dark. It was a fun little game. I really think these practices have helped improve my bike handling. Was freezing cold out and our toes and fingers were numb, but rallied and put on my running shoes and got in 20 minutes.

Crazy day at work! Gave 90 mice bone marrow transplants. Got out on a ride ~530. Got in a good warm up then went over to the GAS practice. They were doing their thing so I did mine. It started getting dark on the last few 10 on 20 off. I couldn't see very well. Hard to do hard efforts when it is dark.

Ran at lunch. It was nice out and fun to be on the trails for a little bit. Did the ride on the trainer. Didn't want to, but with MuleCross organization didn't have time to get out before it got dark. Rode for an hour.

Got out of work a little early and went down to the MuleCross course. Rode a few laps and called it good. Had lots of work to do for the race.

Got up early and got down to the venue. Got the kids race lined out and went home to put on my costume. Did the kids race. Barely had time to eat a little and get warmed up for our race. Nobody else did either, so okay. Didn't have the heart to not race hard. Felt really good and was right on Lisas tail for 3 or so laps. Anna was on my tail, but I was able to ride the big hill and she wasn't. Kept gapping her there. With 1/2 lap to go I came up to Mariah Morgan, a junior. I sort of stalled on a corner to let Mariah get around and Anna cut me off on the inside. I thought it was a little dirty (she did recognize that and apologized, but still). I kind of lost heart after that or thought, well I will just save my energy for tomorrow. Ended up in 3rd. Felt really good for this race.

Was ready to race. Like you said. Last Chance to Dance. It was hard to warm up and ride the course. Only got 1 pieced together lap of the course before race start. The course had a big burm in it that we rode/ran over 3 times. One of the ride overs was a slight drop off but had a nice landing. Took a few tries and some guts to get over it the first time. Did it and was fine. There was also a B line, but didn't even ride it once. Got a good start and was riding the first lap with Lisa and Lindsy. On lap 2 passed Lindsy, but was then pulling her, Anna, and Ingrid around. On lap 3 we were still all together. On a little barrier section somebody hit their bike on mine and my chain dropped below the chain guard. It is hard to get back on and it took me a few seconds. Those 3 girls were gone. The course was really long and we only had two laps left. I tried to ride as hard as I could to finish up the race, but it was challenging. With nobody around I had nothing to really ride for.

Kind of a disappointing end to the season. Really felt like I had peaked for this weekend. Was riding within my limit and staying pretty close to Lisa. I would have liked to see how Sundays race would have played out. I think I could have given Anna a run for her money. It's okay though, thats cross. Had a great season doing it. Now, I want that SSCXW tattoo. Just kidding.

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