
Dublin Marathon

It is one day post marathon and we all finished. Sore legs, no significant injuries, and lots of personal stories to tell. One thing to remember is that 26.2 (yes, that .2 is very significant) is a very long ways, and at mile 2 you are definitely not thinking the same thoughts as at mile 22.
Here is a brief story of mine race.....
My first 2 miles started out great. 10,000 people to maneuver around it is easy to get caught up in a too fast pace, but Erik, Jenny, and I were doing good. Then at mile 3 I started getting a cramp in my hip. Please, please, go away I was thinking and took an endurolyte. At mile 8 we started going downhill and the cramp got bigger, Erik ran away from me, and I had to stop and stretch. Then the cramps got worse. Every mile (at least) I had to stop and stretch and oh sooo painfully stretch. That was about 25 times.
My goal was to run the whole thing in under 4 hours but that had definitely changed to running the whole thing between stretches. I had a couple of pity parties and tears at around mile 18 and 22. This woman that was walking the whole thing kept passing me!!!! In the end though the finish banner was there and I stepped (barely) over the line. Thanks Norman Stadler (pro triathlete) who cramped and had to basically walk Kona last year, I was motivated by you. Thanks all those other marathoners who I finished with and congratulations to your amazing finish. 26.2 can definitely change you.

Erik says he didn't catch the bug, but I am ready to beat this marathon thing. Where next???

Thanks for reading,

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