Now that it is Sunday and I missed the long run, I am a little anxious about my running. Having a hard time remembering why I was so confident in my run on Friday. Other than that little worry though, I am ready. I am feeling very ready for this race. Nervous, but super stoked.
Schedule - leave for Madison at 1:30 on Saturday. Get in around 9 pm. Will stay in Madison that night and head to Wisconsin Dells midday or later on Sunday (something about rental car timing). Will spend week riding the course?:) My bike has been shipped and should arrive at the condo before i do. Head back to Madison on Friday and will stay there the rest of the time. Did I tell you I think the condo we have in Wisconsin Dells has a somewhat long pool with lines on the bottom? Otherwise I need to find a lake to swim in. Shouldn't be too hard.
How do I feel? - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, felt haggard and tired. Came around for the ride Saturday. Was tired Sunday but a lot from accommodating Erik and his little bike tour with Cory. Feel pretty good now, on Monday. Feeling fit and organized. I am not super stressed. (Oops, wrote a lot of this already below. A work in progress)
I read in this magazine on Friday during all of my super anxious waiting at the doctors office (I think that took some time off my life) that "balance" is a buzzword these days. I completely agree. Whoever says they have good balance in life is perhaps way too organized, and maybe not very good at anything they do. I think that in reality to do something great you have to put off other things. Then later you can do those other things great. One cannot always be great at everything, and the important thing here is that we have to realize that is okay!
Wow, Thursday and Friday were very challenging days. I didn't realize how much I wanted to do IM Wisconsin until it could potentially be taken away. I felt like I had put all my eggs in one basket and was going to be left with a very quiet ending to this amazing summer. I also figured out how I am going to feel about the results of IM Wisconsin and I kind of what I want to do next year. Not completing this Ironman did not fit in with those plans and I was left wondering how to fill the potential void. Hopefully, now everything is going to be okay. I might have to face not running well, but I am not going to worry about that right now.
Before Thursday and Friday I was feeling pretty fatigued. I was having a hard time sleeping and didn't have much of an appetite. My friend at Colombo's gave me an extra large salad plate and told me I look like I need to eat. I was feeling ready for IM to be over. However, now that it is Friday, I feel much better about the next two weeks. Getting scared can make you feel a lot more grateful for what you have. I do hope I get in some good rest in the next few weeks though.
Monday- Ran 30 minutes. Don't remember hip hurting.
Tuesday- Rode bike around town for an hour. Rode up to parents because they had my cash card.
Swam on my own at lunch. Had the masters coach write me a workout. Busted out 4000 in 1:30. Makes me think about Masters and all those slackers, talking all the time. So hard to get in good yardage. Maybe I should start an MSU swim club. Swam with a really fast guy today.
Wed- I did the 3+ hour ride inside. The TV show, Alphas, is very entertaining BTW. I broke the 2:30 up into 15 minute intervals at which point I ate and drank and in my mind had a clock going around in circles at 15 minute intervals. I was pretty proud of completing that ride and I rode hard too. Then I headed out onto the run and am still mystified at how bad my legs hurt at Polson because at the beginning of Wed. run my legs felt great. Then my hip started to hurt and I almost went home more than once.
Thursday- PT and made appointment with Orthopedic doc. Was terrified and in tears all day. Met a couple of girls at the pond for the swim. I didn't stop and talk with them once. Just kept on going for 60 minutes. My left shoulder was kind of sore for lap #2 (of 4 laps) but went away. Got sort of sick of swimming the last five minutes.
Friday- Can't believe it is Friday already. Doctors appointment in the morning. Didn't get to work until after noon. Feel bad about not being at work but without experiments going on I can be pretty bored. Rode to appointment and to work. Need to do some errands that I put off yesterday for getting ready for Madison so am going to skip ride. Will do run. 20 minutes only. Then maybe hike.
Reported on run recon mission.
Sat- 122 miles. 4 big climbs. Worked hard and was worked when I was done. Pushed hard on the climbs. Wanted to see if I could blow myself up. Thought a lot about pace. Rode too hard for IM. Also got some more mental fortitude training. Which, by the way, I have had enough! My thinking is that I ride all those hills in Wisconsin like I am going to ride each one forever. Never let my legs start to hurt. Hold back a little in the beginning. Need strong legs to run. Hopefully.
Sunday- Woot! I don't think I have ever swam 5k before. 40 f**king 100's. I'm a mental bullet. (That better make you smile) Was going to mix it up a bit with some builds, maybe some pulls etc. Once I got to the pool though, I understood the purpose of 40 100's. I found my pace. 1:46/100. I held it the whole time! Very comfortably. Now at IM I need to swim straight and closer to the buoys.
Rode to and from pool. Rode back to work a little later and to the grocery store. Think total riding was probably an hour. Hopefully that was okay. Super tired. Packed bike last night at 10:30. Erik left on a ride today and things were hectic.
Monday - swam the 1800 today. There is no way I will be able to schedule that in tomorrow, with such limited pool hours. Felt slow and had a hard time getting rhythm. Likely just tired from yesterday.