
5/17 thru 5/24

Did the long swim. Can't really say much about it. Felt good. Always happy to go a little further on the swim.

Skipped the run because I felt like I was up all night coughing. Also had a busy work day and didn't have time to leave during the day.

Did the ride on the rollers. It was windy out and seemed like it was going to rain. Wanted to keep my lungs healthy. Intervals on the rollers seems almost more effective anyway. Otherwise I feel like I just go back and forth on a road somewhere outside. I felt strong on the ride. Hip/butt didn't hurt.

Masters swim. Stayed for almost the whole workout. Did lots of other strokes. My back was tired the next day, but it felt good to use other muscles. Definitely feel my swim endurance has improved.

Raining. Ran on the treamill for 40 minutes. Tried to stay off my feet today. Resting up for the big weekend.

Had to wait until noon for the pool to open to do the swim. The water at the pool felt really warm. I think they lowered it for the meet last weekend and raised it again. Felt like it took some life out of me. Got the workout done, but was more spent from it than I have been.

Run- Ran 2:30 after eating some lunch and sitting around for a while. Felt good for most of it. Kind of tired in general after the swim. I want to talk more about run nutrition. Should I carry some food with me or rely on aid stations? Ran up and down lots of hills. The best you can do in Bozeman. Incorporated some trails and roads. The weather cleared up in the late afternoon. It was nice.

Went to YNP with Art, Amy C, and Erik. Rode from Mammoth to Old Faithful and back. Ride was 103 miles and took almost exactly 6 hours of ride time. We rode pretty hard. Had an average of 19.9 on the way home. It was more downhill that way. Lots of ups and downs though. Good for CDA. Saw a mama grizzly and 2 cubs and a bison on the road with her baby. The weather was great. Great Great day!!!! Did a 30 minute post ride run. Legs and body feeling especially tired after this weekend. May need some recovery time. Feeling a little beat up. Also, what are your thoughts on rear cassette size for CDA?


5-11 thru 5-17

Got up in the morning and did the run. Felt good. Legs were there. It had been raining and got to run in a break in the rain which was nice.
Rode mountain bike around town trails. Checked out houses and found some new trails. Saw a very large bird. Blue heron maybe? Rode 1:30.

Long ride. It was a good day. Rode a little longer than prescribed because I kind of got stuck a few times and had to backtrack. Started getting a pain in my right hip. Massage guy definitely thinks it is muscular. A stabilizing muscle that is getting called on when my legs get tired. Ate some extra food and still felt good while running. A little sideache but it went away.

Easy swim. More like social hour at Masters swim. Got some good core and stretching in before though. Felt really good in the pool, but woke up in the middle of the night with my back just hurting. Had to take ibuprofen to get it to go away.

Easy run. ugh. Legs very heavy not wanting to turnover. Very tired today. Need to eat more the day after a long ride.
Easy swim- not swimming too hard. Back and shoulder are really sore. Got massage and Matt really worked on my shoulder. Lots of trigger points in there. Gave me more exercises and stretches to do.

Met up with people for this ride. Yeah. Ride didn't really go as planned because the wind was so crazy. It was either a crazy crosswind, headwind, or tailwind. It was hard to even focus on race pace with such a fast tailwind and downhill. Ride was good though. Lots of climbing to get to Battle Ridge and back. Ride time was about 5 hours.

Still crazy wind so run didn't go as planned either. Also, in Bozeman it is hard to go up and down. It seems like it is all either up or down. Ran up Hyalite. Was going to turn around at the half way point, but got so close to the top had to finish. Run was about 2:45. Ran hard down. Especially the last 3 miles.
Thoughts on compression? I have some socks I wear after a big ride or in the car before a race. I wore them yesterday on the run and felt really good. Maybe the socks helped.


5-3-11through 5-10-11

Tuesday- Easier day after long ride Monday. Ran during lunch. Legs felt much better than I thought they would.
Rode the mt bike in the evening. Rode on town trails and up by my parents house where there are some hills. Got hugry so stopped at my parents for a snack. Was cold and windy when I got home.

Morning swim- was cut a little short because of badly posted pool hours. Got this taken care of though. Swim felt good.
Run- Probably ate too soon before run. Haven't been doing post work runs and I forgot how my body doesn't like them. Had to put in headphones so I wouldn't hear my sloshy stomach. Did the intervals and even though they were tough felt better doing them than running slow. Stomach feels really off. Maybe from Mondays ride.

Body and mind are feeling like crap. Sooo tired today. Had to do some soul searching to find the motivation for the ride. Then the ride was fine. Did the intervals but cut the warm up and cool down down a bit. Definitely having some motivational issues going on this week.

Feeling groovy again. Swim after work was good. Feel like swimming a 1500 is cake.

Big swim. Got in and got it done. The first two 500's were harder than the last three. Swam each at about 10:20. Sure hope I can get out of the water at 1:30. Watched the live streaming of IMSG and can't believe those pros can swim it in 50 minutes. Felt good today so did the ride and the run. The sun was out and got to wear no sleeves!!!

Rainy day. Nowhere in the state without cloud cover. Put the long ride off. Went to the pool instead. Swam a 2500 in a not so easy workout. Went home to ride rollers, but got interupted by mother in law. Hopefully can take Wed. off to ride.


4/26/11 through 5/3/11

Got up in the morning and ran. Seems to work better some days than going at lunch
Rode in the evening at the Computrainer workout. Didn't go too hard and finished off with the Ironman course video.

Swam in the morning.
Ran in the evening. Stomach not so hot. Amazing what a port o potty would have done. Why are they never there when you need them. Legs hurting on run. Need new shoes!!

Babysitting Jack and Ruby this evening. Got ride in at lunch. Did 9 of the 12 intervals on the TT bike out in the wind. Was pretty tired that evening from this ride.

After work swim. Massage with Matt after that. Worked on my back. Gave me some excercises to do and am going to try some bilateral breathing when I swim.

Long swim. Got it done. The longest swim ever!!!! Felt very giddy and excited afterward. Bought some new shoes and wore them on the run. Felt much better. Run was great. Lots of hills. Up and down.

Masters swim in the am for ~ 1 hour. Am going to ride tomorrow so ran some errands. Took a nap. Feeling tired from yesterday. Then going on a run and doing some core/weights.