Ran on the treadmill at the gym for 20 minutes. Yuck! I hate the treadmill, but was running next to Emily and we decided to run together during the week sometime.
Master's swim
Can't exactly remember the workout but got some coaching on my stroke and felt really good.
Total time 1:50
Ran with the GAS crosstraining headlamp series. Lisa, Amy, Erik and I ran slow together, except I didn't feel that it was very slow. I did about 5 20 second surges at faster than 5k race pace.
Time 1:15
Core work 15 minutes
Master's swim
100 EZ
2x50 EZ
4x50 build
Main Set
10x100 sprints
10x50 sprints
10x25 sprints 25 hard, 25EZ
100 cool down
total meters-2550
Time 1:30
After my ego boost yesterday and my stroke change Jen told me today that my elbow is entering the water before my hand. I have another thing to work on. It's good I guess. Always keeping me in check.
Total Time 1:45
It was snowing out today!!! Erik went and rode his bike outside in the snow. I decided the trainer was better and I could watch a couple of episodes of House Hunters. Rode for a hour and included 8-12 second all out spints. (Well as all out as I could get without falling off the rollers)
Time 1:00
Zones 2-5
Went and lifted at the gym. Took about an hour. I was sooo sore the next day.
Went with Jenny, Erik, Cory, and Jason to Harriman State Park in Idaho for a skate ski race. Since it is my off week I did the 10k instead of the 20k and meant to take it a little easy. However, as I was skiing along I realized there were only 2 sets of tracks in front of me and of course didn't want to get passed when I was in such a good position. I ended up winning the 10k overall!! Yeah! Jenny won the womens 20k and Erik got 2nd in the mens 10k. He even skied with one pole for 5k because it broke. We got some excellent prizes, had some good food at the Trout Hunter Lodge and soaked at Norris. What a great day!!!
I am ending this week on a Sat. I need lots of hours next week and we will be spending one day in the car.
Total time 8 hours
Week of 2-16 Build 1 15.5
Okay so here I have a dilema- should I start ini Build phase or take an easy week before Build phase?
2-19 Ok, so I decided to use this as a build week and next week take an easy week.
Rode to and from work
400 warm up with drills
5x 200m at zone 5b- it took about 3:30 to do this and I rested from 1:45 between each (the idea here is to swim fast for about the same time it will take me to swim the total race-18 minutes)
200m cool down
I have moved up the the Maximum strength phase. Here I keep increasing weight (to a limit) and have lower reps. Once I reach the limit on weights I will stay there for the rest of the season
3-6 sets
3-6 reps
Hip extension (squat., leg press, or step-up)
seated row
standing bent arm, lat pull-down
personal weakness (I have been doing hamstrings)
total time- 2 hours
GAS/Intrinsik headlamp skate ski
This was really fun! We started at Moser and skied over to Bozeman Creek. The guys started at Bozeman Creek and skied to Moser. We exchanged keys when we met in the middle.
total time- not really sure- how about 2.5 hours
Computrainer at Crossfit. This was really fun. Amy, Lisa, and Furry were there. We rode a hilly coarse. I need to be working on force right now. One of the force workouts is pretty much what we did. This will strengthen my slow twitch muscles so I can go faster at aerobic efforts.
Time 1:30?
Weights-same as above
Master's swim
This was a hard one for me. Not sure if I was just tired or the long pool intimidates me.
Warm up
300 swim
200 kick
200 pull
Main set x3
400 negative split (last 200 hard)
2x200 easy, hard
200 kick
cool down
This took longer than 1:30 minutes. I had to skip 1-100 of the 2x200 each set and I didn't get the last 200 kick in.
Total meters-3200 (I think the longest I have ever swam)
zones 2-5
Total time: 2:30
Easy day. Erik and I hiked Drinking Horse Mountain with the dogs.
Time 1 hr zone 1-2
Went to the Gallatin Valley Land Trust ski-a-thon
Skied for 2.5-3 hours with Jenny and Erik. zones 2-3
Raced in the 5k at race pace zones 3-5
Total time 3.5 hours
Yoga with Lisa Marie
Lots of good core work today. My back is sore from all the backbending.
Time 1:5hrs
total weekly time 14.25 ( a little short, but I got in some hard tempo swims, and skis. Looks like I didn't run much this week.
2-19 Ok, so I decided to use this as a build week and next week take an easy week.
Rode to and from work
400 warm up with drills
5x 200m at zone 5b- it took about 3:30 to do this and I rested from 1:45 between each (the idea here is to swim fast for about the same time it will take me to swim the total race-18 minutes)
200m cool down
I have moved up the the Maximum strength phase. Here I keep increasing weight (to a limit) and have lower reps. Once I reach the limit on weights I will stay there for the rest of the season
3-6 sets
3-6 reps
Hip extension (squat., leg press, or step-up)
seated row
standing bent arm, lat pull-down
personal weakness (I have been doing hamstrings)
total time- 2 hours
GAS/Intrinsik headlamp skate ski
This was really fun! We started at Moser and skied over to Bozeman Creek. The guys started at Bozeman Creek and skied to Moser. We exchanged keys when we met in the middle.
total time- not really sure- how about 2.5 hours
Computrainer at Crossfit. This was really fun. Amy, Lisa, and Furry were there. We rode a hilly coarse. I need to be working on force right now. One of the force workouts is pretty much what we did. This will strengthen my slow twitch muscles so I can go faster at aerobic efforts.
Time 1:30?
Weights-same as above
Master's swim
This was a hard one for me. Not sure if I was just tired or the long pool intimidates me.
Warm up
300 swim
200 kick
200 pull
Main set x3
400 negative split (last 200 hard)
2x200 easy, hard
200 kick
cool down
This took longer than 1:30 minutes. I had to skip 1-100 of the 2x200 each set and I didn't get the last 200 kick in.
Total meters-3200 (I think the longest I have ever swam)
zones 2-5
Total time: 2:30
Easy day. Erik and I hiked Drinking Horse Mountain with the dogs.
Time 1 hr zone 1-2
Went to the Gallatin Valley Land Trust ski-a-thon
Skied for 2.5-3 hours with Jenny and Erik. zones 2-3
Raced in the 5k at race pace zones 3-5
Total time 3.5 hours
Yoga with Lisa Marie
Lots of good core work today. My back is sore from all the backbending.
Time 1:5hrs
total weekly time 14.25 ( a little short, but I got in some hard tempo swims, and skis. Looks like I didn't run much this week.
Week of 2-09, Base 2-2, Hours 14.5-16.0
My gym membership expired. I would have lifted at lunch today, but had nowhere to go. I am going to join the gym at MSU, but first I have to get an MSU ID card.
Masters swim
and oh did I say Drills
almost 3000m today
Time 1:30
Skate ski at Lindley. Time is valuable this week. We have a Team meeting tonight, I have a Parks and Rec. meeting on Thursday, and Friday is Ruby's birthday (5:30).
This is my planned workout today
Warm up and skills-ski without poles, work on V2 and V2 alternate -45 minutes
85% for 15 minutes x1
85% for 5-7 minutes x3
85% or more for 1-2 minutes x5-8
Planned time 1:45
Trainer night with the girls. Lisa, Carrie, and Marta were there. We rode for 1:15 while watching Arnold lift weights. I tried to work a little harder and rode at 6 minute intervals in zone 3-4 and did that 3x. I then came home and rode for another 45 minutes.
2 hours total
I had a Parks and Rec meeting so todays hours were cut a little short. I rode to work, but got a flat so Jenny came and picked me up. I then went to the gym and lifted for an hour.
Total time 1:15
I needed a mental health day. Called in sick so that I could get in a good workout.
Rode to the gym
Warm up 200m
Tempo swim 1000m
kick 50x8
cool down 200
Time :45
Ran- trails around town and hills
Time 1:30
Biked home
Total time 2:45
zones 2-3
Sort of took an easy day. Rode around town on the fixies with Erik
Time :45
zone 1-2
Skied up Bozeman Creek to Wild Horse Junction 17 miles
Time 2:30
zones 2-3
My gym membership expired. I would have lifted at lunch today, but had nowhere to go. I am going to join the gym at MSU, but first I have to get an MSU ID card.
Masters swim
and oh did I say Drills
almost 3000m today
Time 1:30
Skate ski at Lindley. Time is valuable this week. We have a Team meeting tonight, I have a Parks and Rec. meeting on Thursday, and Friday is Ruby's birthday (5:30).
This is my planned workout today
Warm up and skills-ski without poles, work on V2 and V2 alternate -45 minutes
85% for 15 minutes x1
85% for 5-7 minutes x3
85% or more for 1-2 minutes x5-8
Planned time 1:45
Trainer night with the girls. Lisa, Carrie, and Marta were there. We rode for 1:15 while watching Arnold lift weights. I tried to work a little harder and rode at 6 minute intervals in zone 3-4 and did that 3x. I then came home and rode for another 45 minutes.
2 hours total
I had a Parks and Rec meeting so todays hours were cut a little short. I rode to work, but got a flat so Jenny came and picked me up. I then went to the gym and lifted for an hour.
Total time 1:15
I needed a mental health day. Called in sick so that I could get in a good workout.
Rode to the gym
Warm up 200m
Tempo swim 1000m
kick 50x8
cool down 200
Time :45
Ran- trails around town and hills
Time 1:30
Biked home
Total time 2:45
zones 2-3
Sort of took an easy day. Rode around town on the fixies with Erik
Time :45
zone 1-2
Skied up Bozeman Creek to Wild Horse Junction 17 miles
Time 2:30
zones 2-3
Week of 2-1, Base 2-1, 12.5hours
weights-I have stepped up the weights. I am adding weight and lowering reps 10-15 reps, 3-5 sets. The weights that I lift are in my other coat pocket, will add later
Squats-195lbs (how much does the bar weigh?)
seated row-70lbs
standing lat pull down-50lbs
hamstring-still light weight and 20 reps-30lb- should up this
core-20 minutes
Time: 1hr
Master's swim
4x100 IM
-100 free
-100 back
-100 breat
-100 free
5x50 free-descending
200 fast
400 recovery
2x100 fast
400 recovery
3x50 fast
400 recovery
4x25 fast
5x50 kick
2850m total
time 1:30
Total time: 2:30
Tuesday-soooooo sore from lifting and maybe swimming
Ran with the GAS people on trails around town. Distance 7-7.5 miles. Tried to do an intensive endurance workout. Ran in zone 3 periodically throughout the run.
Time 1:30
zones 2-3
Tired this morning and really sore. Felt much better by mid afternoon.
Did the Computrainer with Amy, Lisa, Tawnya, and Angie. Aubrey is the tri club bike coach and runs the Computrainers. We did a 16.8 mile time trial with lots of rolling hills. It was a really good workout. I hope we continue to use the system. It will make us fast.
Time 1:30
Zone 2-3
Lift at gym
Same workout as Monday
Rode outside at for lunch.
Time 1:30.
Zones 2 and some 3.
Running with Jenny, Cory, and Erik. We started at the M and ran until the trail meets Sypes Canyon. It was a beautiful sunny day, the trail was icy and sloppy in places but it was still fun.
Time 2:40
Zones 2 and 3 maybe some 4 trying to run up those steep hills
Ride with Jenny and Marta. It was really cold out and I feel bad because I had to ride ahead of them just to stay warm. We did a nice loop going down Durston to Luv Lane and over to Springhill.
Time 2:15
Zones 1-2 and some 3
Ran for 20 minutes right after bike ride. Trying to get the feeling of the transition for that race in a few weeks.
Zone 2-3
Total time 2:35
Total weekly time 13 hour, 16 if you count last Sunday
weights-I have stepped up the weights. I am adding weight and lowering reps 10-15 reps, 3-5 sets. The weights that I lift are in my other coat pocket, will add later
Squats-195lbs (how much does the bar weigh?)
seated row-70lbs
standing lat pull down-50lbs
hamstring-still light weight and 20 reps-30lb- should up this
core-20 minutes
Time: 1hr
Master's swim
4x100 IM
-100 free
-100 back
-100 breat
-100 free
5x50 free-descending
200 fast
400 recovery
2x100 fast
400 recovery
3x50 fast
400 recovery
4x25 fast
5x50 kick
2850m total
time 1:30
Total time: 2:30
Tuesday-soooooo sore from lifting and maybe swimming
Ran with the GAS people on trails around town. Distance 7-7.5 miles. Tried to do an intensive endurance workout. Ran in zone 3 periodically throughout the run.
Time 1:30
zones 2-3
Tired this morning and really sore. Felt much better by mid afternoon.
Did the Computrainer with Amy, Lisa, Tawnya, and Angie. Aubrey is the tri club bike coach and runs the Computrainers. We did a 16.8 mile time trial with lots of rolling hills. It was a really good workout. I hope we continue to use the system. It will make us fast.
Time 1:30
Zone 2-3
Lift at gym
Same workout as Monday
Rode outside at for lunch.
Time 1:30.
Zones 2 and some 3.
Running with Jenny, Cory, and Erik. We started at the M and ran until the trail meets Sypes Canyon. It was a beautiful sunny day, the trail was icy and sloppy in places but it was still fun.
Time 2:40
Zones 2 and 3 maybe some 4 trying to run up those steep hills
Ride with Jenny and Marta. It was really cold out and I feel bad because I had to ride ahead of them just to stay warm. We did a nice loop going down Durston to Luv Lane and over to Springhill.
Time 2:15
Zones 1-2 and some 3
Ran for 20 minutes right after bike ride. Trying to get the feeling of the transition for that race in a few weeks.
Zone 2-3
Total time 2:35
Total weekly time 13 hour, 16 if you count last Sunday
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